(03) - Ladies' Man

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| The All Knowing |

"Look - I'm not trying to be rude or anything, okay maybe I am being a bit rude here but who the hell are you to make that decision?" Elena seethed in pure resentment, her slender hands bunching up the white material of her dress. Jake merely smirked and slowly leant towards the raging girl. Elena instinctively moved backwards not wanting to be any closer to him. Even if he was one of the most handsome men she had ever seen, he had the ability to scare her. Maybe it was the familiar bitter gaze that he shared with his father and grandfather that frightened her or his intoxicating cologne.

"That sounds lovely Jake, I'm sure your parents and I can handle all the wedding arrangements!" Alessandra bustled whilst clapping excitedly.

Elena whisked her head in shock at her mother sending her a pungent gaze, a gaze she had inherited from her father and that fact alone shook Alessandra to the core.

"I hardly know him and you expect me to marry him?" Elena hissed no longer addressing Jake and facing her mother.

"You can get to know each other," James rolled his eyes as he firmly crossed his arms tightly in an unpremeditated, mocking manner. His crisp black suit matched perfectly with his baby pink shirt, Elena couldn't deny that the elderly man knew how to dress and he certainly radiated a figure of influence.

"Look butterfly," Jeremy interrupted using a peculiar pet name. "Your father and I... we were good friends; I knew him like the back of my hand - the way he'd always raise his eyebrow a notch when someone other than your mother referred to him as Roman," at this statement Elena's heart beat quickened. It was true, her father disliked the idea of someone other than his wife calling him Roman and Elena had a feeling that was because it was the only sign of affection her mother would truly show, but that sob story is for another time. "I also know, he would want you to be in safe hands and the only way he could guarantee that is if you marry my son." Jeremy shrugged nonchalantly as if the idea was an obvious fashion trend.

Elena was far from stupid and she knew Jeremy Carter was just as persistent as her father, if his mind was set then there was not a thing that could change it, not even his own flesh and blood. It was not because they didn't love their own, but in their minds they always knew what was best. Elena was perfectly aware that she would lose this battle but who said she couldn't try? Of course, she was going to attempt to defy him - at least then she could prove that she wasn't a promiscuous, brittle, harmonious woman.

"You can't j-just claim my best friend as if she's some, some o-object." Charlotte finally gathered the courage to form a sentence filled with nerves. If Elena had fallen silent with thought then surely Charlotte could fight some form a battle...

"I never said-"Jeremy begun only to be quickly interrupted.

"Let's make a deal then." Elena finally spoke up her eyes locked with the Godfather though she noticed her mother visibly tense at the words.

"Do you know who you are making a deal with," Alessandra hissed a few octaves higher than a whisper in shock. "I'm so sorry," Elena's mother cooed to the residents of the house.

"What kind of a deal?" James chuckled; a certain glint of happiness in his eyes as he stared at the young girl, Elena figured he respected her more when she tried to negotiate.

"Oh Mon dieu," Alessandra exhaled - her French heritage kicking in.

"If you tell me why my father died, the real reason and tell me a little more about this business then I'll agree to marry your grandson." Jake eyed her sympathetically at her request. However, Elena didn't look so innocent anymore and Jake seemed to like that. Alison knew that Elena was exactly what her son needed, after her request and attitude, Alison needn't know more.

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