Masamune Date Chapter 10

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Mai: "Masamune's back too, right? Do you know where he is?" Ieyasu was in the room where the wounded were being treated. Seeing he was alone, I asked him about Masamune.

Ieyasu: "Mai." Ieyasu's gaze shifted away from me. "I have to tell you something. Last night, Masamune collapsed."

Mai: "What?"

Ieyasu: "He had to be carried back to his manor." He wouldn't let himself be carried. He must have been unconscious!  Anxiety surged through me and left me cold.

I told myself things would be all right because the war was over, that Masamune would take care of his injury. No, even if he did, the blood loss and fighting while injured alone could've exacerbated his condition.

Mai: "Ieyasu, how bad is it?"

Ieyasu: "You should go and see him for yourself." Ieyasu took the medical supplies out of my hands. "I'll take these. Go."

Mai: "It's that bad?" Ieyasu would neither speak nor meet my eyes. It is.  His silence seemed to take all of the air out of my body.

Internal bleeding? An infection from the wound? Did Masamune go into shock?  I turned to the door, worry already urging me into a run. I have to see him! 

"Thanks for letting me know. Take care of everyone here. I've got to see Masamune!" I dashed out of the room.

Ieyasu: "I know I broke my word-- But I can't stand by and see her worry because you're a stubborn jackass, Masamune."

I ran through the hallways on my way to the castle gate. Hideyoshi. Mitsuhide.  I saw the two of them walking ahead of me. They turned as they heard me coming.

Mitsuhide: "Someone's in a hurry."

Hideyoshi: "Again? Didn't I tell you safety first?"

Mai: "Sorry! Next time! It's an emergency!"

Hideyoshi: "Hey!" I raised a hand in apology as I overtook the two of them.

Mitsuhide: "Masamune's pace must be infectious. We should try using him to increase troop speed."

Hideyoshi: "No, it wouldn't do any good. Those two were just a matched set from the start."

Masamune's tougher than anyone I know, but he's only human. And we're centuries away from the kind of medicine that can treat a bad complication.

Mai: "Masamune! Masamune, I'm here!" I rushed past Kojuro and the others, stopping only to take off my sandals before throwing open the door to Masamune's room.

Masamune: "You sure are, lass."

Mai: "You're conscious. You look good. Very good, with that loose kimono, actually--" Masamune was sitting on his futon, half-stretched out in gorgeous leisure, half-astonished at my appearance.

Masamune: "Ieyasu said something to you, didn't he? I warned him not to let you come today." Under the drooping shoulder of his kimono, I could see fresh bandages on his shoulder, but his color was excellent.

Mai: "Wait. What's wrong with today?"

Masamune: "I was forced by the doctor to stay in bed all day today. I didn't want you to see me in this sorry state." I looked over his "sorry state." He was handsome and healthy, albeit frowning.

Mai: "I wish you'd told me you were safe!"

Masamune: "Then take a good look at me now. You can see for yourself that I'm safe."

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