Masamune Date You Can Rely On Me [August 2019] Chapter 1

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It had been a long, dreary rainy season, but it finally let up to give us a brilliantly clear day--

Mai: "How long has it been since we went on a trip?" We rode past scenery so eye-catching I couldn't help but stare and smile.

Masamune: "It's been a while. We've both been busy. But since we managed to get a few days off, I figured we could go pretty far this time." As soon as Masamune and I had realized our scheduled our schedules lined up, we knew we had to have a vacation. It's nice to be riding together like this, just the two of us.

We rode into a clearing, the blue skies stretching overhead. With a nudge of his knees, Masamune got the horse to go faster. ...Oh, wow! Are those wildflowers?

Mai: "Look, Masamune! Flowers! Why don't we stop for a moment?"

Masamune: "Good idea. I was just getting hungry. Let's take a break and have lunch." Masamune brought the horse to a halt in the wildflower field.

Mai: "It's so pretty here, flowers blooming all around us."

Masamune: "Yeah, you found us a nice spot."

Mai: "And it goes on for quite a ways!" Lured by the fragrance of flowers in bloom, I took a step forward--

Masamune: "You might not want to go too far, lass." Masamune caught my hand.

Mai: "Why not?"

Masamune: "See that mountain? I've heard there's a den of bandits there. We should stick close, just in case."

Mai: "That sounds like a good idea." One good thing I don't want to do on our vacation: get kidnapped!  I must have frowned, imagining it. Masamune squeezed my hand and smiled.

Masamune: "Don't worry, lass. As long as I'm here, there's nothing to be afraid of. I'll protect you." That smile, rich in confidence, drove my fearful imaginings away. That's right. Masamune's here.

Mai: "I know you will. Let's enjoy our outing!"

Masamune: "Damn right. So, how about that lunch?" We sat on the grass and opened our lunchboxes, revealing layer upon layer of delights. Masamune had cooked, so the food was excellent -- as always.

Mai: "You made omelet rolls too--!" I popped one of the fluffy, cake-like omelets into my mouth. A new world of flavor expanded across my tongue. "...Mmm! Did you change the recipe? They're so much sweeter!"

Masamune: "I toyed around in the kitchen to mix things up. Got to keep the food exciting for you!" He's working extra hard just to keep things fresh for me? Masamune, you prince!  "There's no worry about that! I don't think you can make boring food. But I definitely like the omelets this way."

Masamune: "I gotta say, lass, your steamed vegetables taste great too."

Mai: "You really like them?"

Masamune: "I do. The dashi really brings out the flavor." Complemented by the master chef himself!  I was beaming; I picked up a rice ball Masamune had made and bite in.

Mai: "...These toasted miso rice balls are amazing!"

Masamune: "You like 'em?" A lovestruck smile spread across his lips. And that meant only one thing-- Masamune kissed me. His lips on mine were as sweet as his smile. I'm pretty sure my face was the color of his delicious pickled ginger when the kiss ended.

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