Ch 6: One Good Memory is all it Takes // The Lone Star

Start from the beginning

But she didn't listen.


America woke up to his driver shaking him, telling him to get inside before he's late. America, thoroughly shaken up, didn't have time to process what his driver was saying and left the limo.

America stood there for a second, shaking, until he heard a voice and nearly died right then and there.

"Америка? Is that you?" America turned around to see a Russian in disbelief.

"Yes, I am me!" America said, faking the happiest voice he could muster. America just prayed with all his heart Russia wouldn't notice how shaken up he was.

His prayers were in vain and his heart dropped when Russia replied, "Are you ok, Америка?"

America mustered the most confused look he had in his arsenal, "Yep, I'm good, why do you ask?"

"You've just been... nice... to me lately." Russia pointed out.

Dang, America just got caught there. America really didn't want to fight today, too, so he thought of the best excuse he could think of. "Have you ever considered it's because I want your oil?"

Russia gave America a disgusted look and walked off, saying, "Good luck with that, Ублюдок," (Bastard)

"Yeah, you're one, too!"

Russia responded to that by flipping America off. Russia didn't know that America could understand Russian. Now Russia wasn't even safe from the American while talking in his native language. Admittedly, Russia started getting bad vibes from the American. Not from America himself, no, but he always feels on edge while around the American nowadays. Almost as if someone was watching them... or to be more accurate, America. But Russia wasn't sure. Russia was actually starting to get worried. Though he doesn't know the American well and has never really been on speaking terms with him, Russia could tell something was up, though he couldn't place what. He shook these thoughts away as he finally got to the meeting room, entered, and sat in his seat near the back.

America, meanwhile, got lost on the way there. He was tired and 99% out of it, so he took a wrong turn. Or two... Or three... Either way, the American was sorely lost and kept on getting more lost. After what seemed like hours of searching, America arrived at the meeting late. Ouch.

Russia watched as the door was opened by- guess who?- an idiotic American. Honestly, Russia had been worried. He should've expected this though. America is consistent on one thing and one thing only, being late. Or as America always phrases it- fashionably late. Either way, Russia should've been smart and expected this.

"America, get to your seat, please." UN sighed, not even looking up from his papers.

"Got it, officer," America joked. Nobody laughed though. America went to his seat in the front and sat in it, hoping with all his might that he won't fall asleep.


That idiot. He fell asleep. Russia had honestly never been so disappointed in the American as he was now. In the middle of the meeting, his head fell. Everyone was terrified, only to find out he was asleep. Russia heard North Korea laughing in the corner. Japan had a face that was giving off a 'yikes' vibe, and Britain looked both worried and disappointed in his son. UN, however, was having none of this and started walking up to the sleeping American with a face that could only be described as inner rage.

America, however, wasn't doing so hot in the dream world either.


America could never get used to these horrid dreams. This one was crueler in nature- it paired the happy times with the sad times. One moment there would be a happy moment with Anna and the others, the next there would be a horrific scene with death and pain. America would've cried if he had any tears left. America hated it, but he was starting to feel numb to this whole ordeal. It only showed America that he was some horrid creature who could get used to such cruelty and hard times. Who gets used to their friends dying? America knew that he should be awake and paying attention to UN's speech but he... felt as though he deserved this cruelty and mental torture.

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