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Angel: OMG what was that!!!!

Sam: a kiss....

Ericka: that was more then a kiss!!!

Sam:.... Maybe

Mya: are you guys a thing now!!???

Sam: I wish.

Mya: damn.



Ej: her lips were so soft.... Damn best kiss I've even had.

Roc: a nigga hooked and he doesn't even have her yet.

Ray: right.... I want a taco.

Jacob: really nigga?

Ray: migga shutup!

Ej: wow.

Sam came done the stairs looking beautiful as ever.

Sam: Ej can you help me get something on the top level?

Ej: yea sure.

I got up walking up the stairs with her. When we got to our room she got on a chair trying to reach it.

Ej: here let me help you

I get on the chair picking her up so she can reach it.

Sam: thanks Ej

Ej: no problem. What are best friends for?

Sam: yea thanks.

Her face was inches away from my face My hands were inches away from her ass. I was ready she was to I can tell. I was about to go in again for the second time when Angel came in.

Angel: Sam I.... O shit sorry.

Sam: it's ok Ej was just helping me..... Thanks

She gets out my grip walking to Angel. I get down and lay on the bed. About 6 minutes Sam came back in.

Sam: hey thanks again Ej.

Ej: I said your welcome. It's was nothing... Your just short.

Sam: *gasps* I Am Not Short!!!

Sam tackles me and I'm staring at her like really?

Ej: the fact that Your defense about it means it's true.

Sam: whatever.

She looks at me and I looked at her. She started leaning and so did I when Jacob and the guys came in. Is everybody going to interrupt us today?

Jacob: hey Sam..... Damn what yall doing?

Ej: nothing.

Sam: what did you want?

Jacob: we wanted to talk to you real quick.

Sam: ummm sure

Jacob smirked and I grew suspicious.


Sam: wassup guys?

Roc: you like Ej?

Sam: what? No.....

Ray: the lies you tell.

Sam: damn fine I do.

Ray: told you that would work.

Sam: RAY!

Ray: what?

Jacob: aww that's so cute.

Sam: what is?

Jacob: that you too(gco)

Roc: Jacob shutup! Let Ej handle it.

Jacob: o right nevermind.

Sam: no tell me.

Jacob:.... Huh? Mya I'm coming

Sam: I didn't hear anything.

Ray: I going to go make a taco...

Sam: Ray really?

Roc: look I'm a g I'm not going to make an excuse to leave I'm just going to leave.

Sam: wow.


Nothing much just wanted to update. Lol comment vote love yall stay mindless

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