Ej Be Jelly

253 11 1

~3 months later~


I was walking out of school going to Jacob car when I saw Troy making out with some girl. I grabbed my phone and recorded it. Jackpot! I got my proof.

Troy: be at my house at 7

He walked away. I got in the car and Jacob drove me home. When we got to my house I jumped out the car and ran in my house. I called Sam.

Sam: hey Ej!

Ej: hey wassup.

Sam: nothing I'm getting ready

Ej: for what?

Sam: me and Troy are hanging out.

Ej: o

Sam: why you seem so sad about that.

Ej: I just don't think he's right for you.

Sam: why

Ej: he's a....a.....a

Sam: a what?


Sam: what... What.... You mean he's cheating on me.

Ej: I saw him making out with a girl after school and he told her to be at his house by 7.

Sam: o....

Ej: how about you cancel on him and we can hang out. Then we go to his house around 7 and see what is happening.

Sam: where you wanna go?

Ej: we can go bowling.....

Sam: I can't Troy said he's on the way. I'll try to come pass later.

Ej: ok then.

She hanged up and I layed on my bed in frustration.


After my date with Troy I got home around 6:30. I put on my sweat and converes and ran out the door. I hooped in my car and drove to Troy's house. I waited and waited and waited till it was about 7:10. I started leave when I saw a girl walk up to Troy's door with a tench coat one. She opened the coat and Troy smiled. He pulled her into his house and closed the door. I've never jumped out my car so quickly. I ran to his door and busted it open. I heard moaning noises. I ran up the stairs to Troy's room and saw Troy licking her vjj. I slapped him so hard he feel off the bed. I grabbed the hoe by her hair and smacked her. I turned around then bam! Troy slapped me across my face.

Sam: o Fxck No!

I grabbed a bat and started beating his ass. I'm sorry you not just going to hit me and get away with it. Nigga no. I fianlly stopped and I yelled HOW GOT YOU! I ran out the door and went to my car. I cried on my wheel. I need to talk to one of my friends. Angel and Ray and Ericka and Trey are on a double date. Jacob said he was hanging with Mya so that leaved Ej. I started the car and went to Ej's house. I probably have trust issues now. I thought. Damn Ej was right

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