Trouble At The Beach

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When we arrived at pizza palace everybody was there. We got in the car going to the beach when we got there we just ran like a little kid saw a candy store. We set down all are stuff and the first one in the water was Mya and Jacob. There so cute together. Followed bye Angel and Ray and Roc ending up picking up Ericka and physically taking her in the beach. Ej started off with them but he stopped and turned around.

Ej: you coming?

But I couldn't here him I was to busy staring at his body. Damn he was built. He was trying to kill me. When the sunlight hit the body it just made him look even more sexy. I bit my lip and looked at him. Then I felt something going down my leg. Which stopped my thoughts. I looked at my leg.... I was dripping of wetness. Damn Ej got me wet. I wipe my leg while Ej stands there looking at me.

Ej: Sam!

Sam: huh?

Ej: you ard I was calling you for like the past 2 mintues.

Sam: o sorry. Just thinking.

Ej: about?

Sam: ummm stuff

Ej: you coming?

Sam: alittle later...

Ej: I'll stay with then till you ready to go in.

Sam: no it ok you can go.

He sat in the towel facing me. Why is he doing this to me. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. I was hooked.

Ej: Sam you ard?

Sam: I'm ok...

I said snapping out of my trance. I stared into space thinking about if me and Ej ever began a couple. What would happen what our babies would look like. My daydream were inturputed but sand get on my arm legs and all are stuff. I turn my head to wear the sand came from and saw a couple.

??: babe this spot!

Did she not see us sitting here.

Ej: umm Miss we are kindof sitting here.

??: like I give a fuck.

Sam: excuse you but we were sitting her first so pick up your little dollar store shit and get the stepping!

??: bitch who the fuck are you!

Sam: your worst nightmare Bitch!!

??: sweet thing you better control your girl she stepping alittle to close.

Sam: bitch and I'll get closer.

??: back up bitch.

Sam: maybe I should your breath smell like ass! Need a breath mint?

??: how would you now what ass seems like?

Sam: cuz I smelt your stank ass form miles away.

??: bitch I'm not the one.

Sam: bitch my not the one! Damn your weave so stiff.

??: back up hoe!

Sam: hoe who in the HELL ARE YOU CALLING A HOE!! Bitch your the hoe. GET IT RIGHT!

??: bitch.

Sam: Go choke on a dick hoe.

And with that I turned around but when I turned around this bitch grabbed my hair. OO HELLLLL NAWWW!! I turned right around and punched her dead in her face. I then started punching her leave and right. What I told her to play with me and she did. Ej soon got me off of her and they leave.

Sam: EJ!!! I was in the zone!!

Ej: you were going to kill her if I let you continue.


Ej: exactly.

Sam: whatever.

Ej: ready to go into the water?

Sam: I gue(gco)

Ej picked me up and threw me over his shoulders. Running to the water.

Sam: Ej put me down!!

Ej: are you sure about that?

Sam: yes!!

Ej: ok then.

He let go of me completely and I fell... But we was in the water. After He dropped me in the water I was ready to kill him.

Roc: Ej you better start running!!

I just acted like I was walking away out of the water and he bought it till I jumped on his back.

Ej: I got you Sam.

We has a great time to. After the beach we got something to eat.

Angel: sooo what happened at the party after we leaved?

Sam: huh! Nothing important nothing happened...

Ericka: damn calm down she was just asking a question.

Mya: you ok? You can tell us anything you know that right.

I looked at Ej then back at them.

Sam: yea I know.

Ray; why you look at Ej?

Roc: yall hiding something!?

Jacob: are you guys dating?

Me and Ej had chocked on our drinks. I looked at him and he looked at me.

Me: just tell them.

Everybody turned there head towards Ej.

Ej: well umm see what had happen was and there was drinking and upstairs and the morning.

Roc: nigga what?

Angel: spill!

Ej: Me and Sam... Got way to drunk last night...

Ericka: ok and that happens to everyone. So?

Sam: no the thing is that we were so drunk niether one of us knew what happened.

Ej: all we know is that we woke up next to eachother naked in the same bed.

Gasps that's all you heard.

Mya: so you too slept together?

Sam: yes

Roc: Damn Ej got ass!!!

Ej: no roc it wasn't like that. It should have never happened.

Sam: agreed were still best friends and it really didn't hurt are relationship.

After we ate we all went home. I slept for the entire next day to. Boy was I tried.

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