You Can Come To Me.

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I got changed my outfit. I put in some high waisted shorts and a blue crop top the was short and long. I but on some high denim socks with my blue doc martins with flowers on them. I put my hair in a ponytail and my bangs to the side. I put on my glasses. Yes I wear glasses I just don't wear then 24/7 I wear contracts. I looked so cute. I got in my car and drove to Trey's house. When I got there I saw everybody there.

Sam: hey is Jacob here?

They all pointed to the kitchen


Sam walked in with the cutest outfit on. Damn she looked fine. And I think everybody agreed.

Jacob POV

I was in the kitchen making popcorn when someone came in it was Sam. I am wasn't mad at her it just I hate thinking about being bulled so when she called me Afro I started thinking about it. It's not her fault she didn't know but I still didn't want to talk about it.

Sam: hey Jacob!

Jacob: hi

Sam: can we talk?

Jacob: maybe I don't wanna talk.

Sam: well I gotta say something!

Jacob: well I don't wanna here you talk!

I rushed up the stairs to Trey bedroom. I sat on his bed and cried thinking about the terrible memories. When someone came in it was Sam great!

Sam: Jake what's wrong?

Jacob: ok look I was bullied and when you called me Afro it brought back memories that I didn't want to think about so I got alittle sad. But you didn't know so I couldn't be mad at you.

Sam: no Jake you can me be mad at me. I deserve that. I was being a bitch to. I don't normally bully people. I'm sorry.

Jacob: it's ok.

We hugged it out and we pulled away when Sam's phone went off


I pulled away from Jake and saw I got a text from one of my friends am back at New York.

Taylor: hey bae how's LA???!?!? I really miss you but I bring bad news. Your boyfreind Tyrone is cheating on you.

She sent me a picture of him and the school slut Olivia making out. His had was on her ass and her hand was up his shrit. I bushed out into tears. I've never cried in front of anyone before.

Jacob: Sam what's wrong!

I couldn't talk I was so sad. I just cried on to his shoulder. Jacob took my phone and liked at the message.

Jacob: who's Tyrone?

I managed to say he was my cheating boyfriend.

Jacob: o that's him in the picture. Aww Sam don't worry about him.

Sam: that's why he didn't call me. His lying cheating ass! I never want to see him again! I sware if I do Ima cut of his dick and threw it in a blender!

Jacob: whoa whoa Sam call down. He is a bitch for messing over a girl like you. Your a keeper! Your awesome in every way possible.

Sam: thanks Jake. Your really nice.

Jacob POV

Sam pulled away from Me and gave me a stare. Then she leaned in and kissed me. I didn't know what to do. I pulled away. And I stared at her.

Sam: OMG Jake I'm so sorry.

Jacob: it's ok.... You just went threw something bad we all had those days and we just need a rebound. I get it.

Sam: no but I don't want anyone to be my rebound. I'm sorry about that. I'm glad your my bro tho.

Jacob: bro? I thought you hated me!

Sam: well you did creep me out alittle but you always tried to help me. Were friends right?

Jacob: yea brother and sisters!

Sam gave me a sisterly hug and Ej walked in.

Ej: hey yall ard. We heard crying so I came in to check on yall.

Jacob: yea we ard. Maybe yall to should talk.

I leave the room and closed the door and went downstairs and told Trey Ray Angel and Ericka everything that happened.


Sam: hey Ej

Ej: hey what's wrong with you?

Sam: nothing(looking down)

Ej: stop lying tell me what's wrong.

I told him about my boyfriend and he understood. He gave me a hug. I got a call it was form Tyrone. I didn't know if I should answer or not. I picked it up.

Tyrone: hey baby!

Sam: o fuck no! Don't call me that I know all about you and Olivia I'm done with you! Were threw!

I threw my phone on the floor and layed in the bed crying. I felt a hand on my back and I knew it was Ej. I gave him a tight hug and didn't pulled away.

Ej: ok that's it I'm not just going to watch you be all sad all day! We are going to go shopping then to the beach! And then the arcade!

I got up and gave Ej one more hug. He knows how to make me feel so much better.

Sam: thanks Ej I love u!

Ej: u love me?

Sam: yea you know like as a best friend!

Ej: O well I love you too.


Dammit! I've been friend zoned! I really like Sam and I wanted her to be mine. Seeing what this guy did to here made me furious! I wanted to kill him. But I controlled my anger.

Sam: thanks for everything I know I'll always have a friend that will let me cry in there shoulder. I really don't do that much.

Ej: I can tell. Just know you can come to me.

She gave me a hug and we went down stairs. Angel and Ericka quickly came to Sam and gave her a hug.

Angel: OMG we heard what happened! Are you ok!?

Sam: yea I'm fine.

Ericka: man I wish he went to our school I would be the living hell out of him!

Trey: I think we all know you would!

Everybody laughs.

Ej: yall ready to go?

Ray: go? Go where?

Sam: shopping beach and arcade!

Jacob: o hell yea let's go!

We drive two cars. I was with Jacob and Ej in my car and Ray Angel Trey and Ericka were in the other car.

Sam: it's singles vs. takens!

We laughed and then we arrived at the mall.

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