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"Over here!"

"I don't see you?!"

"Ew! I can smell you though"

"Shut up Tuff"

"Shhh! You guys will ruin it!", I harshly whisper.

"Ruin what?"

Suddenly the loud shriek of, what Fishlegs calls, a Prickleboggle is heard with a loud echo.

"Guys!", Hiccup angrily jumps on Toothless and tries to fly after it.

"Hiccup! Don't chase him, or he won't come back", I jump on Stormfly and shout.

"Ugh. I know... you're right. We were so close...", he slouches in defeat.

"Come on", I say whipping back around and landing on a patch of green that was about a 100 feet away from the rest of the crew.

"Astrid.. why in Thor's name did we bring them along on these scouting missions?", Hiccup asks me and I giggle.

"I'm afraid you made that call a few months ago, Chief", I say scratching my good girl's chin.

"Ah yes. A wise choice from worst Viking Berk has ever seen"

I immediately punch him in the arm.

"Ow! I was just kidding", he chuckles and holds his skinny arm in pain.

"Good. Just making sure.", I roll my eyes.


"Oh Hiccup... you know why", I say walking towards the group of odd teenagers I now call "friends".

"Way to go H. This.. species discovering is going fantastic", Tuffnut sarcastically remarks.

"It was your guy's' fault!", I spit, axe in hand as I march over.

"Was not!", Ruffnut steps in front of her twin.

"Was too!", I challenge her.

"Astrid! Easy", Hiccup says. He grabs my arm and looks at me in the eye.

His eyes revealed little, to no emotion.

I huff and retreat to where Stormfly was standing.

I can't believe he pulled them into this, it was so much simpler and easier when it was just he and I a couple months back.

Then again, why do I care about that? He completely disregarded the moment we had and the fact that I defended him.

"Okay... gang. Everyone calm down. We just need to work on our stealth with the dragons", he says and everyone nods.

The snow heavily covered the grass now and I was starting to shiver as the short-lived sunshine of winter was beginning to fall.

I'm ready to just go home and crawl in bed.

"I think that's enough for today. Get back to Berk", he instructs and the group takes off.

Hiccup gives me a disappointed look as he climbs on his night fury.

Why in Thor's name did he just do that?

I loudly exhale and take to the brisk sky that seemed to help the steam coming out of my head.

I speed ahead of everyone in an abrupt fashion and I didn't care really.

"Astrid!", I hear the boy scream from far back.

Spirit of a Warrior - HTTYDWhere stories live. Discover now