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***Paul's POV***

I heard my alarm sound. I grunted as I got up. It was around 7 AM. Regina was still sleeping. I didn't know why she never liked Dominic, maybe because he was gay, but I really couldn't care less. He was my son.

I smile grew on my face as I walked to his room. I was going to tell him I loved him, and help him get ready for his wedding. When I walked in, the atmosphere felt wrong. I didn't like it.

He wasn't in his room. He's probably in the bathroom. I thought as I walked into the kitchen to make breakfast. I cooked some eggs and toast. I put out fruit bowls for everyone. I heard footsteps.

"Daddy..." she said with a quiet voice. I looked towards her. She was holding a teddy bear.

"What's wrong?"

She walked closer towards me as she pressed a button on the bear. "I love you, remember it," his voice was shaky. He was crying. My heart burst as I thought about suicide.

I shook my head. I ran into his room. I didn't see anything. I heard a thud outside. I ran to the front lawn. I threw up at sight.

My son was laying on the floor. He was on the floor with ropes around his neck. Molly shrieked at the sight.

"Dominic!" I shouted as I grabbed his face. I was shaking him around. I put a finger at his pulse, nothing. I held him as I cried. Molly cried as she called the ambulance. 

I was crying. "You idiot, why?" I was shouting. Neighbors started to come out and stare at us. There was a group of people standing around us, recording. I kept crying as I held him close to me. His skin was so pale. Like his mothers. Looking peaceful.

He had tear stains. His skin was ice cold. I kept hugging tighter until the ambulance came. They tried to get him out of my grip, I kept shouting. I let him go unwillingly. "He's my son! He's dead!" I kept shouting. It was true.

He was dead. They were trying to shock him. They failed to get any type of response. We were at the hospital right now.

They've been trying for an hour now. He wasn't going to wake up, I knew it. The last time we talked, I was a fucking bitch. He was gone, I know it was my fault. 

"Dominic?" they asked, I nodded. A nurse came towards me with a couple of notes. "Suicide notes. We will have to investigate them later on, but I think they're meant for you guys," she walked away. 

They won't be investigating shit. My son wrote those. With his hands. I'm keeping them. They're not going to get them. I saw Regina walking with Molly. Molly was crying loudly. 

I tried to put a smile on my face, but I couldn't. The wedding would be happening now. I quickly called Harvey.

"Hello? Where is he? Is he getting cold feet?" He asked in a hurry.

"Cancel the wedding, he's in the hospi-" he hung up. Ten minutes later I heard footsteps running. 

"What do they mean dead?" He cried out. He was wearing his tuxedo. I saw tears coming out. I couldn't say anything. He hugged me. "I'm so sorry, he said he wouldn't do anything like this!" he cried. 

Tears were coming out of his eyes. The nurse came back. "The death time was around 3:39 AM, on June 7th. I'm sorry for your loss," they allowed us to see his body. Harvey wanted to go. 

***Harvey's POV***

I didn't like this. Not one bit. I was sitting there just staring at him. I don't know how he could do that. I thought he loved me. I held his hand.

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