15. Goodbye

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I took a deep breath as my knees were bouncing up and down. I was going to the store. Tears were coming down my face. Tomorrow was Harvey's wedding. 

I won't be having a wedding. Not anymore. My body was sweating. I was going to the farthest possible store on the bus.

I shivered as I remembered the events.

I woke up. Tomorrow was my wedding. I was going to get married. It has been about a year since the day I thought Wendy died. I didn't want to go to college. Everyone always talks carefully to me. They ask how Wendy is.

"Good morning," I kissed Wendy as I grabbed her in my arms. I walked down the stairs. Harvey hasn't seen me for the past week. Since it was bad luck or something like that. Harvey seemed distant ever since the Wendy event. I thought he didn't love me or was getting cold feet. He always reassured me that he was fine. He always was looking at Wendy and not me. Like he was trying to figure something out.

Everyone was talking to me as if I was talking to a toy or something when I talked to Wendy. I always broke out in anger at the thought of someone thinking bad about her.

I went sat at the table as everyone was eating breakfast. "How's Wendy?" Molly looked at me with pity.

"She's doing amazing!" I pet Wendy's fur. "Wanna pet her?" Molly shrugged her shoulders as she stuck her hand out.

My father let out a loud cough. "Dominic, we need to talk to you."

"Sure, what is it?" I was looking at Wendy. "She's so adorable!"

"Remeber that dog stuffie you had?" I heard Molly and Regina gasp. 

"Dad, don't-" Molly got interrupted.

"Yes," I was getting uncomfortable talking about it. I lost it, I really never knew where it went.

"That's it, you didn't throw it out or lost it. That is it. It's not a real dog. It's not Wendy." He said. He stood up from the table.

"Stop talking about her like that! She's a real dog, and it's not her fault if you can't see that!" I shouted as I slammed my fists on the table. He snatched Wendy from me. 

"Maybe this will show you she's not real!" He shouted as he ripped her head off. "That's not some fucking blood, that some stuffing. That's a fucking toy, not something that's alive or whatever the fuck you think it is," he shouted at me.

"YOU'RE A LIAR!" I grabbed her body as I cried. "WE CAN SAVE HER, WE CAN!" I was looking around for tape.

"You know she's not real," he said. I was crying. 

I fell to the floor. She's not real. "She's been dead?" I ask. He nodded. "You're lying."

"She's been dead since the event, so stop acting like a damn a psycho," he walked out. I sat crying.

I ran into my room as I cried more. Molly walked in with pity in her eyes. I continued to cry as she hugged me. I was crying for more hours.

Molly still hadn't said a word. "Ms. WickeeBee left me," I had a shaky voice. She hugged me tighter. 

"It's okay, just cry, it's okay," she ushered me. I let her know I was okay as she left the room. "Just tell me if you need anything," she walked out. 

I was pathetic. My sister was way younger than me, and yet she acts more like an adult than me. 

If one more thing happens, I have no idea what is going to happen. I sighed as I grabbed my phone. Someone called.

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