9. Why?

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I sighed as Harvey walked into my room. It's been a month since the incident with Jamila. He told me that he made a mistake and loved me, but I could see the lie in his eyes. 

"Hey, babe," he exclaimed as he jumped on my bed, engulfing me in a hug, I winced when he touched my scar. 

"Hey, we need to talk," I said as he let go of me and sat on my bed. He nodded. 

I took in a deep breath, "Harvey, please don't be in this relationship if you don't like me. It pains my heart to see the look in your eyes when you're with me," my voice broke while saying that. Dammit, I can't even say a sentence correctly. I thought to myself.

"I-I do like you! It's just, it's just I don't know anymore! I-," he started to tremble, I leaned in and hugged him. I felt my shoulder getting a bit wet, I sighed as I noticed he was silently crying. 

"It's okay, Harvey," I moved him off of my shoulder and patted him on the back. "Just explain yourself, I won't do anything," I said truthfully. I was already prepared for what he was going to say next, I could just hear it already.

"I kissed Jamila again," he let out a murmur. I knew it, don't kick him out. Don't kick him out. Control yourself, find out why, listen, and compromise. I was battling with my thoughts.

"Why," was all I could say without breaking down.

"It's hard, okay? It's hard to control myself when she's basically like you! She's always there for me and you're not-" I cut him off.

"I am not here for you, because you don't let me! Do you think I can read your mind? Do you think you have a tough life? Do you think I don't think about ending my life every single day? I am trying to be here for you, but I can't be here for you if you don't tell me! I am trying here! Sometimes I feel like I was the only one who gave for our relationship! I feel as if you don't try! I feel like-" I stopped, I can't say it. Everything I said just burst out, I couldn't say the last part. I feel like we should break up. I couldn't say it because I don't want to.

He nodded, trembling. "You're right, I wasn't giving in the relationship, it was just you. I want to change! I am trying, I just need you to help me! I promise I won't do anything else! I just want you to be in my life," he shouted. 

I took a deep, shaky breath, "then stop talking to her. I am here for you. I want you to control yourself around her, or leave her. You have to choose this time. I-" he hugged me.

"I promise, I won't do it anymore, I promise," he gladly exclaimed, "I love you! I love you so freaking much," he shouted. Thank god dad isn't here, he would've to beat my ass if he heard us being this loud. My dad went back to his "old ways" when I got home. He's never home, so is Molly. Even though she's gotten better, she's more accepting. But that's why she's been sent to live with my dad's girlfriend. 

I'm currently in 11th grade and it's going to end soon. I'll be in 12th grade soon, which is good, I guess. Lately, I've been taking online classes, because of all the drama that's been happening. But, tomorrow I'm going back to school, with Harvey. 

He glanced at the clock and sighed, "I gotta head to basketball practice, I've been here for an hour. Bye, I love you," he said, giving me a quick peck and ran out the door.

I love that guy, sadly.


I currently was watching the television when my phone started to vibrate.

Unknown: Thought you can escape me?

Me: Who is this?

Unknown: It's me, Aiden, silly!

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