A party

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Tonight we were going to a party. I prefer to stay at home and read. Markus attempted to persuade me, then enlisted the brothers to help. I don't know why I needed to go, but then again, someone is running their mouths, earning a beat down. I can't stand ignorant people.

I showed up and met up with the brothers and Markus. Parker handed me a cup, and I looked at him.

"Relax, it's pop. I can't drink, remember?" Parker reminded me. I took a drink, and yeah, it's pop. I don't drink and hate the taste of alcohol.

We stood around as music played, and people partied. This shit is boring. I went to get fresh air, going onto the back deck and leaned against the railing, staring off into the night sky. It was still cold, but I didn't care. Anything was better than being around a bunch of people I didn't know.

I stood there as I heard a door open and close. I turned to see the girl from the bakery.

"There are many people in there, and I'm sure the house is going to implode," the girl said, laughing.

I stood there, watching her as she walked over to me.

"I'm guessing that you're antisocial," the girl remarked with a grin.

"I'm not antisocial. I'm anti-stupidity," I said as the girl smiled. Damn, she has a beautiful smile.

"Great minds think alike. I'm at a college party, getting drunk, making out with a dude I don't know, woohoo!" The girl mocked as I chuckled. "Oh, look, the silent type does laugh and smile." She giggled. I couldn't help but laugh.

The girl walked over to me.

"I'm Matthew," I introduced myself.

"Nora," the girl said.

"You don't look familiar. Is this your first year?" I asked.

"Nope, I'm still in high school. I came to visit my big sis and get the whole college vibe before my parents unleash me to the world," Nora answered, waving her hand in the air. I chuckled.

She walked over to the railing and leaned against it with her back. I did the same.

"So Matthew, why are you out here and not in there? Don't tell me that you are the silent and brooding type because they suck. Ooh, look at me, I'm moody and shit, love me," Nora said as I chuckled.

"Nope, I prefer people of quality, not quantity," I replied.

"I prefer people with a sense of humor. Boring people suck," Nora said as I chuckled some more. This girl is funny. I liked that.

"Are you coming here next here for school?" I asked her.

"Yep, and I get to harass my sister and her boy toy, mopey," Nora mentioned as I chuckled.

"The twins can be a handful. They drove Payton, and I nuts growing up. You throw in Mason, and it got crazy," I told Nora.

"That's funny; I dated a guy named Mason. He pissed off my dad and moved away. What was his last name?" Nora said as she thought about it, and I looked at her. She snapped her fingers. "Mason Harper," Nora said as I looked at her.

"Were you two serious?" I asked.

"Semi-serious, but who knows? Mason moved away," Nora said as I nodded. "Well, I'm going to go check in with Britt before she thinks someone kidnapped me."

Nora went back into the house, and I sighed. If I wanted to date anyone, there goes that idea. With girls, it can pit us against each other. It did with Payton and Markus. Family functions were fun as they fought. It was Sadie's way of saying not to betray her.

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