Fancy meeting you here

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I got up and got ready, then grabbed my bag, leaving the door room. I walked down the hallway and made my way downstairs. I pushed opened the building door to see Payton sitting on a half wall. I walked over to him.

"You know stalking is illegal," I reminded him. He smiled.

"It's only illegal if the person doesn't know you're there," he replied as I chuckled. "Are you going to class?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I'm going to stop and get a coffee," I mentioned.

"Coffee sounds good," he added as I looked at him. I felt butterflies but shook the thought away. Payton is only acting nice. I gave up the possibility of him liking me. Guys like him don't like girls like me.

He hopped down from the ledge and walked with me to the coffeehouse. We talked on our way there, and when we entered, he went to find a seat. I walked up to the line and waited. As I expected, some girls cut in front of me.

"Excuse me," I said.

They continued talking, ignoring me.

"Excuse me," I said again.

One girl stopped talking and glared at me. "Do you mind?" She asked me.

"I do, since you cut in front of me," I answered.

"Who cares?" Another scoffed.

"You should learn your place," the other girl told me as I furrowed my brows.

"Or maybe twits like you should learn yours," a voice said as we turned and saw a guy standing there. He had dark hair and blue eyes. My eyes widened to see that he's smoking hot.

"Who are you?" One girl snapped.

"Markus Harper," he introduced himself with a look.

"And should that name impress us?" The other girl asked him.

"Considering our mothers are Grays, I would say so," another guy answered, walking up.

"Who are you?" One girl asked.

"Matthew Harper, his cousin," he introduced himself as I stood there.

"Now, move out of the way, you twit bag. You're stinking up the place with your disgusting perfume," Markus mentioned as he pushed them aside and flicked his wrist at them.

"After you, sweetheart," Matthew mentioned to me as I walked past them.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" A girl snapped.

"I'm someone better than you. Shouldn't you be gardening with your hoe self considering you look like a hooker?" Markus asked her as I looked at them, shocked.

"I'm sure she belongs in a shed with the other tools since she looks like a hoe," Matthew remarked as I stood there, dumbfounded.

The girls stormed off as they shrugged.

"It must have been something we said," Markus said as Matthew shrugged.

I'm still trying to process the fact they said their mothers were Grays. I got my coffee and turned to see them standing there, smiling at me.

"Excuse me," I said. The guys stepped aside as I walked to the table where Payton was sitting, only to see him talking to a girl. I stopped to see him laughing with her. Yep, I'm correct. Payton didn't see me more than a friend. Plus, the girl was prettier.

I walked over, and he looked at me. He was about to say something when I interrupted him, "I have to get to class."

His brows furrowed.

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