Not all is as it seems

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Leslie and I spent time together, which I missed. My sister is incredible. She accepted me when I came out. Our parents, not so much. They cut me off, and Leslie worked to help me go to school while I had sports scholarships.

I realized I was gay during my senior year in high school but didn't come out until I graduated. I don't think coming out at my party was the best idea. Eh, what can you do?

My parents tossed me out, and Leslie took me in since she lives close to campus. My scholarships cover most of my costs, but I still needed to balance the remaining balance. Leslie took on extra shifts at the diner, and I got a part-time job.

When I started school, it wasn't until a few weeks later that I saw Markus. Man, he's gorgeous. He has the prettiest blue eyes I ever saw, and his features are excellent. I found out he's funny too, which I like. I've wanted to talk to him but was afraid he would laugh at me or turn me down. That is my luck.

After Leslie and I spent the day together, I went to the bakery to get a snack and coffee. I walked in and found Markus with another guy, that figure. I should have known he has a boyfriend. There's no way he is single.

I walked over to the counter and placed my order as a girl took it. I glanced at Markus every so often, but he was having fun with the other guy. That sight depressed me.

"Here you go," the girl said as I paid her. "Markus is single," the girl mentioned as I looked at her strangely.

"I don't know what you mean," I said, blowing off her comment.

"I mean, he's single," the girl repeated herself.

"Yeah, and I'm the tooth fairy," I scoffed. I grabbed my items and walked away. I don't know who the girl is, but Markus isn't single, and I am.


I sat with Matthew and saw Hayden come into the bakery. He went to the counter, ordered, and left. He probably has a recent date with that waitress. My mood soured.

"Why do you look like you sucked on a lemon?" Matthew asked me.

"I don't even like lemons, twit," I answered with a look.

"Stop being a jackass, Markus. Something has your panties in a bunch," Matthew mentioned.

I sighed. I hate how Matthew knows me well.

"There's this guy," I said.

"That walked in and left," he said as I looked at him, "continued."

"I have a crush on the guy and talked to him until this woman kissed him, blowing my idea to smithereens," I said as I made an explosion with my mouth.

"Did you ask the guy about the girl?" Matthew asked.

"Does it matter? The guy has a girlfriend, and I'm still single," I told Matthew.

"Not everything is as it seems, Markus. I would ask before jumping to conclusions," Matthew suggested.

I looked at him and sighed. Why do I have a feeling things will get interesting?


I can't wait for Shaun to come back to work. Nik and Frazier are pleasant bosses, but I miss Shaun. I miss Pat too. Is it Christmas yet?

I finished up my shift and went back to my dorm room to study and found Josie and Payton there, making out. Well, okay, then. I went to the library instead of staying in my dorm room. I walked inside and found a table. I sat down and studied. I couldn't wait for the finals to end so that I could go home. I get to see Pat when I return. I couldn't wait.


Payton and I should study, but our lips have other ideas. Things got heated between us, and I stopped. He looked at me with confusion.

"I'm not ready yet," I told Payton as he looked at me.

"Josie, we don't have to do anything if you're not ready. I can't wait," Payton told me.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"I'm positive," he told me.

I felt relieved. It's no secret that Payton has experience. I didn't want to disappoint him, but I wasn't ready to go further. We went back to studying.


Selena and I studied, well, we studied anatomy as we made out in my room. Most girls would put the breaks on, but she didn't. I went with the flow. It got hot and heavy between us, with us going further than we intended.

I made sure I wore protection as I entered her as she gasped. I stopped until she was ready, then started to thrust inside of her. It took twice before she moved with me. I took my time with her since it was her first time.

Our breathing increased as we kept going until a moan escaped her lips. I felt her release, then followed suit. We finished, and I looked into her eyes as a smile grew on her face.

"I don't think that's part of studying," she giggled as I chuckled.

"No, but its sure is fun," I remarked as she giggled some more.

I leaned down and kissed her as we went again. Sex is so much better when you know what you're doing, and it's with someone you love. I'm glad we waited because it meant more to me.


I left my room and the house. I talked to Nik, and he said I could work on Christmas break, helping with orders. Since I'm staying at home alone, which I didn't want to do, that allowed me to earn money to pay my medical bills.

I put some money aside for school since my scholarship got yanked thanks to Travis, causing me to fail my classes. I hated him so much. Thanks to Travis, I started my life over.

Finals came, and everyone went home. I stayed and went to work. With everyone gone, I helped fill orders to ship. I worked as much as I could and paid bills. I came back to an empty house and made food for myself. While everyone celebrated the holidays with their family and friends, I ate a TV dinner, worked, and attended meetings. I promised Pax I would get better and intended to keep my promise.

I sat in a meeting with other people as different people talked. I haven't spoken in any meetings, but tonight I did.

"Hi, everyone. My name is Shaun, and I'm an alcoholic," I said as everyone greeted me. "It's been four weeks since my last drink, and I'm taking it one day at a time. I was sober and started drinking to cope with a relationship that I endured with an abusive person. I failed my classes and almost lost my job. I'm taking it one day at a time," I admitted as everyone listened.

The thing about meetings, there's no judgment, and everyone fights their battle. This battle was mine to fight. Would I ever find love as a damaged person? I didn't know.

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