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I dropped Josie off at her dorm and kissed her goodnight. I told her I would call her in the morning. I drove back to the house and walked inside to see Parker and Selena on the couch, watching TV.

"How was the date?" Park asked as I looked asked over and sat down in a chair.

"It was great. I like Josie a lot," I said as I smiled.

"It's about damn time. Nothing like taking your sweet ass time with things," Park remarked as I gave him a look.

"Although, I saw Shaun when I went to take her haunted housing," I mentioned as Park sat forward. "Shaun had a shiner, and the way Travis treated him didn't sit well with me."

"Do you think that's why we haven't seen him?" Parker asked.

"Or the fact Shaun took his stuff and left his key," Selena said as we looked at her with confusion.

"What do you mean, Shaun took his stuff?" Parker asked her.

"Parker, Shaun took his items. I knocked on his bedroom door. The room is empty except for furniture," Selena said.

"When did you find this out?" I asked her.

"When we were setting up for the party. I checked Shaun's room to see if he had any tape, and his stuff was missing," Selena replied as we looked at her. "You didn't know?"

"No," I said as Selena sighed.

We thought Shaun was busy with classes and work, not realizing he moved out. With everything going on, it would be easy for him to leave, and no one knew.

"That could be the reason he hasn't shown up for meetings," Park added as I looked at him.

The problem was even if we wanted to confront Shaun about Travis, who's saying he would leave. Travis hates us, and we needed to help Shaun, but help. I would love to beat the hell out of Travis.

"Payton, I know that look and your temper. Pops will kill you if you even think about doing anything to Travis," Park reminded me.

I sighed. I have a horrible temper. Shaun's brother Ben and I went rounds with each other growing up. He went after my brothers, and I went after him along with his buddies. I almost got expelled from school. Pops wasn't happy.

It was time to enlist help from some cousins.


The one thing I learned about the brothers when they need help, they come to us, especially when they couldn't handle the job themselves. The last name Gray is synonymous with trouble, and people have issues. I don't know why? We're delightful people.

Matthew and I have the last name, Harper. People didn't suspect that our mother is a Gray. Well, duh. You're pretty damn stupid to forget that tidbit. It helps when you need to deal with an asshole who loves to put his hands on other people. The said asshole I'm talking about is Travis.

I have a class with Shaun, and I've seen how Travis treats him. I also know that he despises my cousins because Pax had a thing with Shaun. I know that Shaun doesn't belong with Travis; he belongs with Pax. Matthew told me to stay out of it. Payton blackmailed me into helping him because of the chicks that put the moves on me. Yeah, I'm screwed, because both have a temper.

I went with the lesser of the two evils, which is Payton. Matthew's temper is the worst. Payton might have Grandpa's anger, but Matthew got Grampa Nate's temper along with grandpa Grayson. That's a lot of tempers.

I went to the bakery to find Shaun working and spoke to him. It didn't go well. He didn't talk, and I tried until he hurried away. I turned to see none other than Travis standing there.

"Is there a reason you're keeping Shaun from his work?" Travis asked me.

"Considering I'm a customer, not at all," I replied with a smirk. Travis didn't look amused. The dude needs to chill and get a sense of humor.

"Shaun's busy," Travis said as I looked at him.

"Yeah, being kept on a tight leash," I remarked as Travis glared at me. I stepped towards him until we were face to face. "I come with a warning. Touch him again, and you won't be breathing. You have a nice day now." I patted his chest as I walked away.

That was probably the wrong thing to say to someone like Travis. People like him escalate in violence, and it would increase big time.


Travis stayed while I worked, monitoring me. Any guy that talks to me, I had Britt help since she worked at the bakery. Travis didn't know about Britt and Patton and made her promise not to say anything.

I finished up as Britt left, but I didn't know she stayed. The minute Travis and I were alone in the bakery was the minute all hell broke loose. Not only did he beat the hell out of me, but he attacked me.

Travis finished as I cowered in the corner in the back. He stood up and buttoned up his pants.

"I told you that you were mine. You don't listen to Shaun. You make me punish you because you refuse to listen. Now you can find someplace else to sleep tonight. I want you to think about how angry you make me. Then I want an apology," Travis said before spitting on me and leaving.

I got to my feet and pulled up my pants as I went into the bathroom and washed up, grabbing the first aid kit. When I finished, I searched until I found a bottle of Jack Daniels and left the bakery. I was saving this bottle for a time like this.

I walked until I came to a bench and sat down. I stared at the bottle and cracked the seal.

"Jack, you and I are best friends. You're always there for me and never let me down. Cheers, buddy," I toasted as I placed the opening to my lips and drank. I sat there and drank while realizing how much my life sucks. My family doesn't care about me, Travis says he cares but doesn't, and I blew it with Pax. That made me drink more. No one will want a damaged person.

I drank until I became hammered. It was better than feeling anything. I could numb the pain and hurt while feeling better about myself.


Josie told me what happened on her date with Payton and about Shaun. Shaun begged me not to mention anything about the Grays to Travis. It didn't take a genius to know what's going on between Shaun and Travis. I talked to Shaun about the bruises, black eyes, and now a broken arm. He told me to leave it alone.

Patton and I talked a lot, and he would tell me about Pax. I didn't tell Patton about Shaun. I wish I did.

I left the bakery but stuck around to wait to see if I could talk to Shaun, hoping Travis left. He didn't go, and that's when I heard noises. I peeked into the bakery to see Travis unleash his anger onto Shaun. It shocked me to where I left and went to see Payton and Parker.

The only problem is a person caught me on my way to the brothers' house. I got yanked into the bushes as someone hit me repeatedly. I tried to defend myself, but the person was bigger and stronger. When they finished, I laid on the ground in pain.

They grabbed my face and yanked it to look at him. It's Travis. "You saw nothing tonight. You speak one word of this, and your little boyfriend will suffer. I know Shaun's been lying to me about you knowing the Grays. Keep your mouth shut." Travis pushed me back as he walked away.

I laid there until there was silence, then I got to my feet and made my way home. I touched my nose to see blood as tears streamed down my face. I made it to the dorm room to find Payton and Josie there.

"Britt?" Josie walked over to me.

"Travis attacked me and told me to keep my mouth shut about Shaun," I told her as Payton walked over. "Travis said if I say anything, he will hurt Patton." I looked at Payton as he furrowed his brows, then I passed out from shock.

No matter what happened, I couldn't let Shaun suffer in silence. We became friends, and Shaun told me things that he didn't tell many people. I didn't realize that tonight would set in motion for someone to lose their temper terrifyingly.

The Gray Family: Let The Games Begin✔️(Wattpad version)Where stories live. Discover now