Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I couldn't stop thinking of what it was going to be like meeting Sam. I felt anxious as I drove so I turned on the radio. Rascal Flatts's song "Everyday" came on. I hadn't heard this one in awhile, so I sang along very loudly. I drove up to Garrett's, turned my car off, and looked up to see a stranger staring at me. He was staring quite intently at me, so I got out of my car and asked him who he was.

"I, Emilie Blythe, am Sam Pritcher. I will be the one who restores the Runners."

"And I, Sam Pritcher, am Emilie Blythe. I will be the one who restores the CLimbers." I said in a mocking tone.

"Emilie, I am serious. What do you know about our situation?" Well he sure cut right to the chase.

"Pretty much nothing, Sam." I said a little exasperated."What do you know?"

"I know that the Climbers were led by your great grandmother, Hehwuti and the Runners were led by my great grandfather, Nixkamich. I also know that the Runners overpowered the Climbers and your people disappeared into nothingness. No one knows what happened to them. Therefore, I'm guessing your job is going to be a little bit harder than mine."

I was shocked. "How do you know this?"

"My parents told me. Surely you asked your parents about this?"

"I asked my mom, but she said she had no clue about anything I was referring to."

"Well then, Emilie, I sure hope you plan to have help from your grandmother."

"Oh, Sam, I hope I do too." There was some strange attraction towards him that I had no idea where it was coming from. I thought he was somewhat attractive, but he seems like a jerk. He was nice on the phone, I thought. Strange.

"So, what are we going to do about this?" I asked him.

"Oh, I don't know, I mean, I have to fight a girl so I'm sure I'll be okay. It's you we have to worry about."

"Um, excuse me?! What do you mean a girl? That is the most pompous thing I have ever heard Mr. Pritcher. I think I will be leaving now and leave you to figure out how you will fight me."

And with that, I left. What a jerk! Oh, he is going to get it now.


Sorry its so short!!!!

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