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"where are you taking us? it's been foreveeeeer..." the young boy dragged out his words, pouting as they passed yet another golden-white vase with shiny ornaments on it that his hands started to itch.

they turned another corner and they passed another set of expensive vases with freshly picked flowers placed in it. the king did not answer nor made a sound to acknowledge his question and continued to walk further ahead of them with the queen's arm linked with his. the young boy blew raspberries.

"never knew the royalties are deaf." someone smacked him up his head and he yelped at the sudden contact. he turned his head to glare at his attacker. the blonde only smiled cheekily.

"watch your language. you wouldn't want to get smote now, right?"

it was a known fact that insulting the royal family will only result to a punishing consequence.

"not until they catch me first." the young boy challenged before sticking his tongue out to annoy the older. but the smile that spread over the blonde's face said otherwise that he wasn't even close to being bothered by the younger's behavior and even pulled the other closer to him, squeezing him while gushing about how cute he was.

"how long are we going to get there? i'm seriously bored. my feet are cramping..." the short boy complained, although they had just started their small walk a couple minutes ago.

"you'll see when we get there." came the king's vague reply. the foreigner rolled his eyes.

seungcheol furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and leaned back behind him to whisper to his friend. "have you had visions again?"

wonwoo merely nodded in response.

"what did you see?"

the side of wonwoo's lips quirked up into a small playful smirk as he glanced over to see seungcheol's arched eyebrow at him.

"that would spoil the fun now, wouldn't it?"

seungcheol frowned as wonwoo just made him more addled to the situation they were in. but if wonwoo doesn't want to tell him, then that would only mean that something interesting is about to happen.

"what are you planning, anyway? are we just going to keep walking to god knows where?" seungkwan loured at the words that the foreigner had decided to use to the king.

the king glanced behind him before speaking up.

"it seems you are all persistent to where i am going to take you."

"not really. just curious to what you're going to do with us."

the king smiled, humming in delight. "i am sure you are all going to be enticed to what i am planning to do. i find it quite thrilling myself."

the foreigner hummed, doubting. "we'll see about that."

when the king invited them outside, they did not expect themselves to be standing where they are right now.

they were taken to the garden, with the king and queen leading their way towards it and what awaited them was a vast scenery of trees and flowers alike. in the middle of the garden stood a fountain of water with lilies flouting on top of the clear water. surrounding the beautiful fountain were lavish flowers lining in rows in a symmetrical order.

in the far end of the garden lies the mystery of a maze made out of leaves that's alluring them inside the longer they stare at it.

"what's inside there?" the man with the mole on the cheek asked, intrigued.

"it's where the grave of the first ruler lies." king pledis answered patiently, watching their reactions in amusement.

"why is it so extravagant?" pointy-ears asked.

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