Summary : October

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[Disclaimer : The summary might have spoilers if you haven't read it all , and some extra notes unmentioned in the book . Also , the summary mostly contains the important parts rather than the full story itself]
1st Oct
'Resurrect' showcase ! J.Chanwoo (Arirang's emcee) asked why was the album named 'Resurrect' , Jimin explained it was originally named 'Reassure' but they changed it to fit the sub-track , Hyerin who was being Hyerin was told be kept quiet 😂 Jimin explain that the album and the name itself will be filled with musics that can resurrect people from hate , despair , depression & so on... Hani thinks EXID got a little greedy , having Jjong said music shouldn't be limited , V agreeing and Chanwoo checking on Hani before the rapline starts explaining 'All Eyes on Me' . Chanwoo said he heard the choreography was hard , having Hyerin said it was while the boys were okay with it , Hyerin said her legs are shaking , having Solji ask if she have thought of being an actress 😂 Chanwoo said they can complain all they want , Hobi then complain how the members fall after practice before asking what can they complain about... Jjong said it was tiring , followed by Hani that they can't do that style , Solji then said YoonJin complained too while YoonJin told Solji to focus on herself 😂 Hani said they can't rock street style , having Jjong said they're old , Junghwa was in denial when the madnaes got mad , having Hobi ask who said Junghwa doesn't lie while she was surprised at what JHope say , LE dissed her and RM was ask if he's okay 😂 Suga read a comment asking if EXID have done street style , Solji then ask if their debut counts (6XID debut) LE explain their debut song wasn't really street style (their dance wasn't) and said 'Hippity Hop' were more street style , EXID answering 5 years ago in 2013 , having B.E figure out if the question was from a LEGGO or ARMY while RM made a pun using LEGGO , ARMY & TOGETHER . Solji told everyone to focus and was shocked the members listened to her (they normally ignore her) Chanwoo mention it was hard to continue the showcase after what happened 😂 Chanwoo started on the next track , and LE was ready to explain it , not knowing Chanwoo was going to ask a question... he asked about 'Take Back The Night' and said he gave up when EXID kept quiet 😂 LE answered the storyline can be seen in the MV and told the fans to catch it while Suga spins in his chair (to annoy EXID) Chanwoo ask EXID to explain more , having Lini said the MV will be animated and the story will unravel within the lyrics . Chanwoo ask if there is a special stage , having Jjong say there will be as they practiced hard for it ٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و YoonJin told Junghwa to calm down as she seem like she was scolding Chanwoo 😂 Solji explained 'True Colour' that you should be confident and not hide away after a mistake... the members then ask about her voice (which sounds robotic) EXID was uneasy when Solji said 'be true ; be you' and BTS just laugh 😂 A comment ask if B.E took a drink before the showcase , having Hyerin pretended they did . Hani explained 'This is Me' , Jin said Hani doesn't sound threatening and she told someone to get him off stage 😂 there was a comment where B.E don't take their showcase or live stage serious anymore , but the members just ignored it... Lini just started on 'Beautiful Lie' and Jin told her it was the nicest name he heard , having the members told him to quiet 😂 EXID said the song seemed like a message to someone , having LE use 2NE1's 'Goodbye' as an example , which got Hyerin to shout at LE she sounds like she copied their work . When ask about another track , Suga was very energised and Jjong ask if he likes the song , he tried to explain but didn't and it got the members to laugh... Suga said Jjong's voice was unique in this track among B.E's song , having him thank Suga before explaining it . Their interview ended right after and the members gave each other hwaiting before their showcase performance , Solji called Suga cute when he wore his cap while Hobi squat down on standby... B.E performed 'All Eyes on Me' and vice versa

Bangtan Boys EXceed In Dreaming 1.2 : 365 Days Together Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin