Summary : February

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[Disclaimer : The summary might have spoilers if you haven't read it all , and some extra notes unmentioned in the book . Also , the summary mostly contains the important parts rather than the full story itself]
4th Feb
B.E was announced as first place again on Inkigayo , Suga being Suga , handed the trophy to LE first... Jimin then said his thanks to the members , the stylist and their company , BigHit & BANANA CULTURE... as the encore stage started , LE handed their trophy to RM . When B.E went backstage , they saw Solji clapping for them , having the EXID members rushing to hug her , surprised at her sudden arrival just to congratulate them , also having RM hand over the trophy to Solji . Jin then informed that their live stage have already ended even though B.E planned for it to end next week , he then suggested to eat out as an celebration . While waiting for the members to get dressed... Hani came and asked LE if her outfit was okay , receiving a diss from Hyerin ㅋㅋ V who was looking through the fridge then spotted Hani and choked on his apple , having Jimin joked about it . As soon as Solji leave her room , Jimin was stunned and received a smack from JHope on the head as he keeps staring at Solji... the members were getting impatient and joked about leaving Junghwa & Jungkook and RM said something wrong could happened , having Hani teased that LE can't hide the fact she enjoys talking about that topic... Suga wanted to fall asleep and was told not to by LE and his obedience left the BTS Members in shocked . While the bus was still under repair , the members were split into 6:6 (Vocal line and rapline) Arriving at Tavolo 24 (a 4-star buffet restaurant) Jimin asked why did Jin picked out an expensive restaurant , answering that he saw a great recommendation and it was their first celebratory dinner as B.E... EXID Who was worried about the price after seeing the menu , then pretended that they weren't hungry and decided to share . After placing their orders , Jungkook & V went off to check the view whilst Hani & Junghwa went off to take pictures... Solji who was reading LE's message to Suga questioning about him shouting , was then asked by Hyerin if she was busy , leading to a unsure answer , JHope asked Hyerin if they should hang out the next day . Jin pointed out that if Hyerin sat in between Solji & LE , they look a family and they suggested Hyerin to do so for a photo , having Hyerin predict what Hani was going to say... RM then mention that Solji & LE Are like the parents of B.E because they're the oldest ; JHope pointing out that Hyerin is his new sister and LE having 7 new brothers ㅋㅋ A clingy Suga then asked about himself after hearing that LE only accepts Daehoon with Jin asking if Suga wants to be LE's brother , answering in excitement , RM then pointed out that they're alike and it's quite accurate to call each other siblings . When Hani & Junghwa returned , Hani said the exact sentence Hyerin predicted , the members were then shocked by Junghwa's screech due to the arrival of food... after awhile , the members finished their food and JHope was asked if he was still hungry to finish his second plate of food , having JHope giving it to Hyerin in the end , who split some to the EXID members . Solji then messaged the members that she will order delivery later if the members were hungry , having Suga saw Solji's message from Junghwa's phone while the members were busy talking... while leaving restaurant , the EXID members pretended they had went to the restroom as Jin went looking for a missing Suga... Suga was watching LE from behind as she paid for the 3 dishes the members ordered as they were worried about the expensive price and that they owe the BTS Members something . In the van... RM asked why did he looked so puzzled and then Suga started with asking who was on their phone after JHope gave away his leftovers & What were they doing on it , having the members reply , Suga then explained the member thought they would run up the bill so they ordered less & that they're starving , the members then planned to buy snacks or food to wherever they're headed to... JHope then pointed out that Suga has started to care a lot , having the members discuss who Suga likes to discussing the possible type for each BTS Members and back to guessing Suga's crush (which the answer was true but he denied it) B.E arrived at Lotte World , having Jin revealed to RM that Suga picked the place... the 12 of them then split into 4:4:4 , having the rapline on their way , JHope suggest that they should have went to Loveland , making LE uncomfortable ; As for Hani , Jin , Hyerin & V... a kid Hyerin grabbed Jin to a food stall that was nearby ; Back to the rapline , When RM asked LE what did she wanted to do , she then told them it's up to the boys' decision , having JHope point out that she didn't look so excited , having Suga worry about LE after taking a photo of the amusement park . When Junghwa tried to gesture Solji she was hungry , Jimin & Jungkook immediately spotted the gesture & thought of what Suga said , then Jimin suggested they should get popcorns & Jungkook will accompany Junghwa while the other two Will go on a ride first ; as the rapline was still trying to figure out which attraction to go to , Suga thought of searching up on LE's interest in theme parks and found something unexpected , telling the members to go on a ride first while his new older sister has to feed his hungry stomach (to get away) thinking that he has messed up trying to impress LE... Hyerin thanked Jin for treating her to a snack , having V point out she treats Jin like a boyfriend , having Hani asked if she likes someone like Jin , having Hyerin said Jin is a great guy but her ideal types are slightly different from Jin (this is where Jin started liking Hyerin) Suga bought LE a cotton candy & a popcorn to share , having LE questioned if he wants to ride anything , revealing that it's not fun to ride without LE , having LE shocked with that answer , asking how he knew... Suga then lied and said she looked bored , having her point out that he's good at observing like Hani . As for RM & JHope , RM told JHope that Suga had a shocked look after checking his phone , having JHope asked if he found something out & decided not to ride with them , RM then revealed that it was Suga's idea to go to Lotte World and maybe LE was uninterested so he decided to spend time with her , having JHope questioned if he likes LE as he is normally cold-hearted . As for Solji & Jimin , they were screaming on a rollercoaster while the Double Jeong are enjoying their food , having Jungkook asked if Junghwa likes amusement parks , replying with a Yes because she feels relaxed rather than stressed out of work , having Jungkook disbelieving in how EXID Call being an idol 'work' . Hani , Jin , Hyerin & V got onto an extreme rollercoaster ride , which got Hyerin in tears... having her grab Jin's arm & him covering Hyerin's eyes from the extreme sight

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