Summary : April

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[Disclaimer : The summary might have spoilers if you haven't read it all , and some extra notes unmentioned in the book . Also , the summary mostly contains the important parts rather than the full story itself]
1st April
LE was complaining it was cold at the studio they were filming 'Dangerous' , Youzu said to ask her "boyfriend" (Suga) to get her a coat , having her explain he's not her boyfriend , leading to the stylist asking what's her ideal type... meanwhile , Suga was telling Jin he doesn't care about LE now , Suga saying he wasn't her ideal type , explaining to a shocked Jin that Solji was unhappy with him , having Jin defend Hani when Suga mention it could be Hani who told on him... LE was throwing a fit with Jin asking what's up , Suga then said that LE was cold & offered his coat (so much for I don't care) Having EXID's stylists tease LE while Jin informs Suga that he was leaving . Suga then asked LE if she have eaten , saying she took a snack , Suga then freaked out... LE then said she shouldn't eat much before dancing & that they were coming back soon , Having Suga said she doesn't need to diet as she already has a hot body... Suga asked what LE was going to do as she declined his lunch date , LE then played with him saying she has a waiting room & a phone , having Suga question her action . EXID came to see their shooting in the afternoon , Hani started taking picture of LE & even asked Suga if she was sexy , having Suga hesitate... in the waiting room , Hyerin suggested that Jin Should name the album 'Our' as it was about a guy & girl , after hearing he was naming 'Odyssey' , Having Suga mention there could be a meaning behind it... EXID then pressured Suga to explain the meaning (which he couldn't) So he started with saying Jin might have started liking someone (Hyerin) and dedicated the album to her , he named it 'Odyssey' (which means long journey) to present how long it will take to get to her , Hani was shocked at the explanation , having the EXID members asking her if she's okay while Suga remembered that Hani knows that He's talking about Hyerin . Suddenly , Daehoon entered the waiting room , leaving LE surprised as she did not expected him , having LE try to act normal (as Suga's around , she can't handle Daehoon & Suga at the same time) Daehoon noticed Suga and pointed him out , having Hyerin asked if they have met before while Daehoon was teasing LE it was her boyfriend ㅋㅋ Having LE scold Daehoon & explain to Junghwa about Daehoon's first impression... Daehoon explained that he came down to Seoul for a event , having him ask if Taehwan visited Hani with the members asking if Daehoon will stay long , LE then said it was awkward and tried to chase him away by asking him to get another haircut , having Suga said it looks the same as the last time (he's really similar to LE) Hani mentioned a line from EXID Showtime , Having Hyerin promote the TV show to Suga when LE & Daehoon didn't wanted her to... Solji returned with lunch , having Daehoon wanting to leave & ended up in a small argument with LE , Suga was stopped by Solji as he didn't think he had lunch , having both Daehoon & Suga Join for lunch . After awhile , Daehoon stick around to watch LEGUST D's shoot , having a very shocked reaction , leaving the EXID members laughing at him... LE then came to send him off nicely (giving him pats & hugs) leaving Suga sad that LE is clingy to Daehoon & he can't have that , EXID then head into the waiting room to rest again . Suga noticed LE's shirt is falling off her shoulder , exposing her bra strap (Suga said 'undergarment strap' in the story) Having LE tease it will help make the MV more sexy (?) and then joked around saying it's more sexy , leaving Suga in shock... LE then pranked him saying his brother was behind him , leaving Suga to chase after LE & LE exposing its April Fools' Day , Having Suga ask how did she knew he had a brother with a question of meeting when LE said she haven't met before... Before LE left to fix her shirt , she teased Suga about waiting with EXID's maknae line , having Suga question if she likes him (She does , Suga !) EXID's stylists pointed out that Suga cares for LE , Having LE say he gives out a brother vibe instead of a crush (bullshit) Having Songyi mention that LE's clothes doesn't need fixing as it's more charismatic , with LE wanting to leave the shirt be but then thought of how caring & thoughtful Suga is , wondering where can she find another friend like him , ending up asking the stylist to at least cover up the strap . LEGUST D did their last shoot with the bar scene before heading to change , leaving Solji shocked & unhappy with their excessive dance moves (?) having Jaehyun (EXID's manager) play a April Fools' trick on Solji when she asked the PD to cut the video before releasing the MV... LESol tried to wake EXID up before leaving , having Suga ask if Solji needs help with her bag with Solji declining . When the members got up , they were teasing Junghwa's moody face a little before leaving , having LE fool around with Hyerin's hoodie... the members then discuss about dinner & Hyerin becoming active at the mention of food . The members took Suga to eat Lamb skewers as promised , Having Suga mention he didn't expected them to... Suga then placed a meat into LE's bowl , having LE hand it Hyerin & Suga repeating the same thing , with LE handing it to Hani... Having LE nag Suga to stop as she can take the meat for herself & he should eat up first as it's his favourite food , with Suga's sudden 'thank you' , leaving EXID in shock while he explains that they treat BTS well even though they are mischievous boys but as long as BTS have each other... Back at the dorm , B.E talked about dinner & how fast LE & Suga's shooting went by , Solji then asked Hani , Hyerin & Junghwa to head to sleep after discussing with Hyerin they could get ice cream the next day when she wouldn't sleep 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ Solji then asked LE to head to sleep too using 'Hyojin' , leaving her embarrassed among BTS while Jin asked Suga to head to sleep... Solji entered her room to find Choco and Mongi in her room , having Jimin explain that their manager dropped them off

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