3rd December , Monday

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Studio , 10.23...
Hani : Ah yeah !
Hyerin : Whoo~
Junghwa : Tell me !
LE frowns : Ah , so annoying
Solji : Kids , Come here~
Junghwa : What ?
Hani : I like my uniform~
EXID laughs : Haha
Solji : It's western style
Hyerin : The western wears pants with school vest ?
Solji : Yes , some girls do
Hyerin : Oh...
Junghwa : What's up ?
Solji : We're doing two outfit , no individual shots
LE : Great
Hani : Individuals are your favourite
LE : I have no idea for this song , it's more of a group song
Junghwa : Right
Solji : But we have group shots , so have as much fun as you want
Hyerin : Like 'Cream'
Hani : Yeah *laughs*
Solji : Make sure you clothes doesn't fly up
EXID laughs : Haha
Junghwa : Can we tuck it in ?
LE : Wouldn't That look weird ?
Junghwa : Oh , True
Hani : Hyerin looks okay
Solji : Okay , you do this
Hyerin : I'm a girl...
LE : Ah , But you look cute
Hyerin makes face : Really ?
Solji : You're no difference from Seokjin *push Hyerin* Let's go
Hani : They're a perfect match
Junghwa : Oppa got lucky , his first girlfriend is what he wants
Hani : We got strike out...
LE : Jeonghwa's boy only gave her a kiss
Junghwa : Unnie , That was years ago
Solji : For real , Baby Jeonghwa with a boy ?
Hyerin : It's cute~
Hani : We'll start with your first boyfriend too
Hyerin walks off : ...
PD : Ready ?
LE : The only thing about this dance is the floor
Hani : Right
EXID lies down : ...
Junghwa laughs : Haha
Hani : Junghwa~ argh *stomps feet*
EXID chuckles : Hehe
PD : Start the music over again
Solji : Hani is mad because she has to stand in the start
Hyerin : Don't we have two dances ? Why don't Hani Unnie lie down in this one and do a different one for the other outfit ?
Junghwa : Right
Hani : Okay *lies down*
PD : Ready ?
EXID : Yes
Music : Nana nanananananana nana nana
Hani lip-sync : (7 in the morning , I hear my alarm ring , the sunlight between the windows clink , mom's nagging to get up as the sound of a midsummer's night mosquito , my uniform is wrinkled like my pyjamas , inside are 2 plain clothes , I want to sleep but on the way to school , I found a way to sleep while walking
Hyerin lip-sync : (A kid being noisy , a kid reading book , a kid adjusting bangs , playing phone games , as soon as the bell rings , the teacher nags at the kids who are sleeping)
EXID lip-sync : (Ah , Teacher !)
Solji lip-sync : (We've been through a lot at our age , why are you pretending not to know ?)
EXID lip-sync : (Ah , why ?)
Solji lip-sync : (Why do you keep saying whatever ?)
LE lip-sync : (I'm annoyed at you always complaining)
Hani lip-sync : (The sound of the bell goes ring ring ring)
Hyerin lip-sync : (Everyday's the same feeling , Oh I'm tired of it)
EXID lip-sync : (School life)
Hyerin lip-sync : (Today too , I)
Solji lip-sync : (I wanna believe that tomorrow will be a little different)
EXID lip-sync : (School Life)
Solji lip-sync : (Today too , I)
Music : Nana nanananananana nana nana
Solji lip-sync : (Today too , I)
Music : Nana nanananananana nana nana
Solji lip-sync : (Today too , I)
LE lip-sync : (It's math time , boring numbers and everyday dispute , in that day , those fluttering number , hour hand panting , the relationship gap between 12 and 1 , whether I have a dream or not , whether I became an athlete , sprinting towards the cafeteria , throwing all concerns away yeah)
Junghwa lip-sync : (Daily educating at school , studying and studying , it make me feel sick , I don't have a dream , I always feel small in front of grades)
Solji lip-sync : (I can never do what I want , looking at myself in the mirror , please stop)
LE lip-sync : (Free souls retreat far away)
Junghwa lip-sync : (The sound of the bell ring ring ring)
Hyerin : (Everyday's the same feeling , Oh I'm tired of it)
EXID lip-sync : (School life)
Hyerin lip-sync : (Today too , I)
Solji lip-sync : (I wanna believe that tomorrow will be a little different)
EXID lip-sync : (School Life)
Solji lip-sync : (Today too , I)
Music : Nana nanananananana nana nana
LE lip-sync : (Today too , I)
Music : Nana nanananananana nana nana
LE lip-sync : (Today too , I)
EXID dances : ...
Hani lip-sync : (Today too , I)
EXID lines up : ...
Hyerin lip-sync : (Everyday's the same feeling , Oh I'm tired of it) *smiles*
Solji lip-sync : (I wanna believe that tomorrow will be a little different)
EXID lip-sync : (School life)
Hyerin lip-sync : (Today too , I)
Music : Nana nanananananana nana nana
Hyerin lip-sync : (Today too , I)
Music : Nana nanananananana nana nana
Hyerin lip-sync : (Today too , I)
EXID dances : ...
Hyerin : (Everyday's the same feeling , Oh I'm tired of it)
EXID lip-sync : (School life)
Hyerin lip-sync : (Today too , I)
Solji lip-sync : (I wanna believe that tomorrow will be a little different)
EXID lip-sync : (School Life)
Solji lip-sync : (Today too , I)
EXID dances : ...
Junghwa lip-sync : (Today too , I)
EXID lip-sync : (Today too , I) *lies down on floor*
PD claps : Great
Junghwa sits up : Really ?
PD : One more time before we change ?
EXID : Yes~
Hyerin : Is this a one shot ?
Hani : Woah , awesome
Solji : Let's get ready
LE : I could sleep here
EXID laughs : Haha
PD : Standby...
EXID : ...
PD : Start !
Music : Nana nanananananana nana nana
Hani : 7 in the morning , I hear my alarm ring *laughs*
LE : 야 !
Solji : Heeyeon-ah !
Hyerin points Hani : What's funny ?
Junghwa laughs : Let's go again

After awhile...
Hyerin lip-sync : (Today too , I)
V bows : Hello !
Hani smiles : ...
Hyerin : (Everyday's the same feeling , Oh I'm tired of it)
EXID lip-sync : (School life)
Hyerin lip-sync : (Today too , I)
Solji lip-sync : (I wanna believe that tomorrow will be a little different)
EXID lip-sync : (School Life)
Solji lip-sync : (Today too , I)
EXID dances : ...
Junghwa lip-sync : (Today too , I)
EXID lip-sync : (Today too , I) *lies down*
V : Woah
PD looks at V : Let's take a break
EXID : Yes~
LE : 야 , What are you doing here ? You're distracting us !
EXID laughs : Haha
V : What's up , Noona ? *high fives with Solji* How's the shoot going ?
Junghwa : Great
Hyerin : You came alone ?
Solji : Were you expecting Seokjin ?
Hyerin : No
V : The members are sort of busy... Jimin Hyung took Jinho Hyung out
Solji : What did you say ? Why ?
V : To convince him ?
Solji : Gosh , That Park Jimin ! I don't like Jinho !
EXID laughs : Haha
LE : Unnie , you can't hide it
Hani : You get excited around him
Solji : No , you're dreaming
Hyerin : 꿈이라서 그땐 아무것도 몰랐었죠 함께 있고 싶은 마음일까 Ay ?
EXID : 꿈에 널 그리는 Feeling 그래 상상 못해도 난 또
V : Ohh
Solji : 야 !
V : Jungkook went out with Suga Hyung
Hani : Seokjin , Hoseok and Namjoon ?
V : JHope Hyung is with RM Hyung... I think Jin Hyung is having a talk show
Junghwa : Ooh , Seokjin Oppa ?
EXID laughs : Haha
Hani : He's actually very good at talking
LE : When he's serious , you're dead
Hyerin : Oh , really ?
EXID laughs : Haha
Hyerin : I have never really seen him mad
Solji : Not around you
Junghwa : Unnie , that's mockery
V : Anyways , what's this stage outfit ?
Hani : Cool ?
V : You guys looks like delinquents
Solji : Agree , But we look cool
Hyerin : This Unnie *laughs*
V : Am I interrupting ?
Solji : No , join us for lunch
Junghwa : Why did you come ?
V : I got bored at home
Hani : Any members are welcomed here
LE : What if Jimin brought Jinho here ?
Hyerin : That will be awkward
Junghwa : Right
V : At this rate , you might record 'Lalala Song' today
Junghwa : Right
LE : We can one shot 'Lalala Song'
Hani : We did practiced it over and over
V : Ah... that would be cool , I get to eat dinner with you guys too
Solji : He's really lonely
V chuckles : No , I just want to eat out with EXID for tonight
Hani : Why ?
Junghwa : Did something happened ?
V : No
Solji : Then Don't say it like that
Hyerin : It sounds like you fought with Hobi or Namjoon
V : No *laughs* Why would we fight ?
B.Songyi : Solji Unnie , Please Come here for awhile
Solji : Yes
Junghwa : Let's go eat
V : I need to ask LE Noona something
LE : Me ? You guys go ahead first
Hani : Yes
Hyerin : Food !
Junghwa : Yeah ! *laughs*
LE : What's up ?
V : I'm not sure if you know , but I'm guessing Suga Hyung might have told you too... I like Hani Noona *scratch head* And we made a promise that if Jimin confesses , I have to
LE : Jimin ? Who does Jimin like ?
V : Uh...
LE : That's not the point , why tell me ?
V : I need your help
LE : Have Jimin confessed ?
V : No
LE : If it's up to you then you should do it
V : Ah... can't Noona help me ? With a date or something ?
LE : I'm useless in that field *laughs* I'm really useless , you shouldn't have asked me... sorry
V : Man... it's okay , thank you
Hani : Unnie , pizza !
LE : Yes ! Let's go eat , Taehyungie
V : Yes

Mingles , 18.45...
Solji : Yes , Food !
Hani : I'm so glad we had a chance to go for shopping before dinner~
Junghwa : I will eat well~
EXID : I will eat eat~
V : Today's shoot was really fast
Junghwa : Right , we can go for a music show tomorrow
Solji : That's right
LE : Let's go then
Hyerin : Really ? LE Unnie wants to ?
LE : It is the last album
Junghwa : Yeah , Unnie !
Solji : Not eating ?
V : I was thinking... I receive gratefully~
LE : This is what I hate , you tend to ponder when you're much needed to focus
Hyerin : It's annoying !
EXID laughs : Haha
Hani : Hyerin-ah , you're similar
Junghwa : But she responds
Hani : It's okay , you be you
Hyerin does 'okay' sign : I'm me , crazy Hyelin
EXID laughs : Haha
Solji : We were talking about this last night , do you like anyone ?
LE : Unnie , girl talk and boy talk are different
Solji : I'm curious
Junghwa : But Love is for both
Hani : Woah , Junghwa
EXID laughs : Haha
Hyerin : We're listening *tucks hair*
V : I don't know
Hyerin : I'm not interested anymore
EXID laughs : Haha
Solji : Yes Or no ?
V : It's complicated
Hani : Ah , like LE Unnie
LE : How many times Do I have to say I don't like Yoongi ?
Hani thinking : I keep forgetting to protect Unnie , but it's fun to tease her...
Junghwa : Unnie , they're just close friends
Solji : If you like her , tell her
V : I can't...
Hani : This is one of the few times we see Taehyung very scared
Solji : Do you need help ?
V : No , thank you
LE : He'll probably ask the guys for help
Hani : You should ask Yoongi , he's doing a great job
V laughs : Alright
Hyerin : That's mean
Hani : Be quiet
Junghwa laughs : Goodness...

Bangtan Boys EXceed In Dreaming 1.2 : 365 Days Together Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang