Chapter 7

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Thomas's POV ♤

"I can't. You're my last chance." He whimpered. He looked to be in pain. 

This whole thing is just too much for me. I don't want to be his mate, but according to him, I'll probably end up with a Fae no matter what I do. 

Well you know what? Fuck that.

I refuse to be tied down to anyone because I have to be. Whatever control freak demon that lives in the sky can go suck my dick. I refuse to give into this. If he wants me, he's going to have to work for me.

On top of that, he kidnapped me. Even if we were meant to be, how am I supposed to survive in this world without a highschool diploma. Even if I did end up falling for him that would be Stockholm syndrome. I don't want to be another adaptation of beauty and the beast.

I don't care if I'm his last chance. He should have just asked me on a date like a normal being would. I don't care how hot he is, or how sweet he tries to act; the answer is no.

"Then I should be treated like a goddamn king then, huh." I paused so I could watch the guilt bubble up through his eyes "What you did was u-unforgivable."

Neither of us said anything for the rest of the ride. Which by the way was three hours! I don't know how I survived it.

I couldn't even look out the window because it was too darkly tinted, however from the bathroom experience I learned that the outside could actually see in. I kept still the whole time. I don't want the pouting princess over there to attack me because I made a sudden movement that could attract attention. He'd probably make me sit in his lap the whole time, and that was not something on my to-do list.

When we finally got to our destination, I couldn't help but sit there and gap like a fish out of water. It was a mansion of sorts. It was like a log cabin and Parthenon had a child, with 1800s French decor. A strange beauty was the best way and the only way to describe it. 

With a grim look tinkerbell over here decided to show me to my room. He tried to grab my hand at least 20 times on the way, but I wasn't having it. Nodding he opened the door to nudge me inside.

"You are not allowed to leave this room without permission. Also ,before I forget, do you want dinner or do you want to sleep?" He demanded the first sentence, but softened his voice towards the end. I guess he figured out that if he doesn't play nice neither will I.

"Imma sleep" And with that ,and a sly smile, I slammed the door in his face.


The morning I sat on the stupidly soft bed hitting myself with a pillow. I'm starving but if I go ask for food I would be letting him win. I have a bathroom, water, and clothes I don't need anything else for at least a week. Worst comes to worst I'll sneak out of this room and steal food. 

If it works for squirrels it will work for me. They are like my spirit animal after all.

Throughout the first two days of being here I learned that my hunger strike is not going to work. Not because of the need for food, but because of boredom. My only form of entertainment was when Tinkerbell came in to ask me to eat, and talking to myself. I'm pretty sure the last one isn't healthy.

On day five of the hunger strike I decided I was going to sneak out and get food. Turning down the maze like hallways it quickly became apparent that there was a lot of people living here. I hid under clothed tables, behind walls, and even in a closet to avoid all of them.

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