Chapter Twenty-Four

242 109 29

July 1st, 2021

1730 hours

They were at a standoff.

Quinn stood menacingly in the middle of her bedroom, glaring daggers at her forehead. Robyn was sending an equally aggressive, seething look back.

No way in hell, she thought. He can't expect me to do that.

"I'm not wearing that." Robyn scoffed, casting wary eyes at the small, midnight blue dress dangling from Quinn's arm.

"What's wrong with it?" He squinted at it in confusion as he analyzed the skimpy, dropped back.

"Look at the back!" She angrily pointed at the low cut of the garment. "It's far too..."

"Sexy?" He cut her off and she gulped.

"Well, yes."

Quinn stared at the beautiful woman before him. He couldn't fathom her sudden prudish behavior.

"This is perfectly appropriate attire for tonight's festivities." He glowered, shoving the garment at her.

"I'm not going anywhere in that thing." She seethed, turning from him angrily.

"I don't understand why this is upsetting you." He continued, unzipping the garment bag and holding the dress up. "It's stunning."

Robyn chanced a glance back in spite of her raging determination. Her breath caught and she froze, bringing a trembling hand to her mouth. It was gorgeous; the soft, sparkling silk gleaming in the light.

Without warning her eyes filled with tears and spilled down her hot cheeks. Quinn balked, unsure of what to do. He didn't think he'd said anything to upset her.

"You know, usually when I offer a beautiful woman a dress," he said tentatively "they don't react in quite this manner."

"It's amazing." Robyn choked, feeling suddenly foolish for releasing years of restrained emotion in front of a near stranger.

"Then what's the issue?"

"It's just that, well..." Robyn hesitated, unsure of her mixed emotions.

"What?" Quinn asked softly, closing the small distance between them and gazing at her intently through his thick lashes.

"The last time I wore that color," Robyn began "was for my-my-" she stuttered, unable to finish her thoughts.

"When you had your wedding rehearsal dinner?" Quinn asked gently.

Robyn's eyes burned with more tears. "How did you-"

"Please don't get upset." He raised his hands, palms up, as if in offering. "I had to do background checks on everyone involved in this case."

"My personal life?" Robin choked out a sob. "Seriously?"

Quinn looked rather sheepish and his cheeks flushed slightly. "They were very thorough, extensive reports."

Robin opened her mouth, but no sound came out. She was speechless.

"There was an article about what happened. I talked to Sally about it, before I met you at the autopsy." Quinn said softly, as if this cleared up the issue. "I know you must be feeling very exposed right now."

Robyn's blood boiled and she saw red. "What the hell? Who do you think you are? I didn't invite you into my personal issues, and I am most certainly not invulnerable! You have no right to intrude on my personal life like that, Quinn Jones!" She screamed, hands grasping frantically at the furniture, the walls, anything that would help steady her trembling body. "And don't you dare assume to know what I am feeling!"

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