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"I told you everything I know!" Robyn shouted, slamming her hands on the cold metal desk. The agent interrogating her sighed and pinched the space between his eyes, clearly agitated with their cyclical questioning. Every inquiry was answered the exact way, in the same detail, over and over, to the point where Robyn felt her sanity slipping away.

"You haven't told me what I want to hear." He supplied, running his hand through his graying hair. Robyn surmised this agent was likely one of Quinn's superiors, or at least a mentor. Their habits were the same, every twitch of his fingers, every disdainful scowl brought on by her obstinacy: the resemblance in body language was uncanny.

"What do you want me to say?" Robyn said lowly, leaning forward to glare back "Please, tell me, so I can get the hell out of here."

"It isn't that simple, Dr. Bourke," his bright blue eyes stared challengingly into hers "but if you'd listen to me, you'd figure it out."

Robyn was at a breaking point. She grasped the table edge, knuckles white, as she fought to control her temper.

"You asked why I was participating in the investigation. I told you, Agent Jones asked me to help."

"Indeed, he did." The agent stood, clasping his hands behind his back and pacing. Robyn's heart panged, recalling a moment when Quinn had done the same.

"We established that, so what do you want from me?" She cried, jumping up from her chair. It toppled behind her with a loud thwack, the resounding echo loud in her ears.

"Contain yourself, Dr. Bourke." The agent scolded, bringing himself within her space, staring her down. "Give me the answers I want and you may go."

"Please," she gritted out, teeth clenched "walk me through what you'd like me to say."

"You claim there was a monster of some origin, kept hidden away on the rig. To what purpose?"

"You'd have to ask the scientist, Dr. Urskin." She growled, narrowing her eyes in impatience. "I told you, he and Lynne Ellis weren't very forthcoming when we questioned them, so I don't have much intel for you."

The agent chuckled, eyes twinkling with amusement: it was another of Quinn's tendencies and sent a fresh wave of sadness rushing through her. "According to you, this Dr. Urskin was eaten by the creature, and Ellis was burned alive. You might see why it would be impossible to question them, then?"

"I've told you everything I know." Robyn reached down to right her chair, but the agent shot out a quick hand, halting her.

"Yes, you've spun an interesting tale of dragons and death." His lined, aging face crinkled as he teased, the smallest hint of a smile present on his lips. "What I want is the truth."

"What?" Robyn frowned, puzzled. Three days she'd been questioned, by multiple agents, and her story hadn't changed. As much as possible, she stuck to the truth, and yet, this agent was insistent that she say something different.

An inkling of understanding trickled through the tumultuous thoughts in her mind, and she opened her mouth, cautious to choose her next words properly. "What is the truth?" She chose, rolling the words around slowly as she spoke, eyeing the agent for confirmation.

The stiffness in his shoulders relaxed, and his mouth curled into a welcoming smile. It didn't reach his eyes. "Now we are getting somewhere." He sat on the edge of the table, gesturing to her chair. She reluctantly set it right and eased back onto it, still eyeing him distrustfully.

"The truth as you and I, and everyone else involved, will know it," he began, tearing his gaze away from hers "is that an unfortunate gas leak caused the explosion. There was no creature, all casualties resulted from the accident, and the deaths you were investigating were coincidental, but unrelated."

Robyn knew what he was implying: they were covering it up.

"Right." She said slowly, resigning herself to stare at her lap. "Is there anything else?"

"Incidentally, you've been offered a prestigious position elsewhere. I highly encourage you to accept the offer." He was staring at her again; she could feel the coldness of his eyes on her.

"What if I don't?" She whispered, tears threatening to fall. Her entire life was in shambles, left more shattered than before Quinn Jones had ever walked into it.

"You'd be wise to accept." Was his reply. He stood and motioned toward the door. "Now you may leave Dr. Bourke. An agent will help you along with your things. They've already been collected and shipped to your destination."

Her silence was what they were after, and they were determined to get it.

"Fine," she rose, limbs trembling as she quickly excused herself, desperate to leave the hostile environment "but what happens when you can't contain them?"

"Leave that to the government, Dr. Bourke. It's no longer your concern." His tone was final, warning, and she knew she was helpless to resist his influence.

"As you wish." Her tone was dead, cold, and indifferent. Once again, she steeled the walls around her heart as she walked out of the room.

For now, she would comply.

Her hand halted on the doorknob, and she turned slightly to ask one last question. "You've heard no word from Agent Jones?"

"No, Dr. Bourke, I have not. He is presumed killed in the line of duty."

Her throat constricted tightly. "Thank you." Her voice croaked out, before she wretched open the door and disappeared into the halls.


Shepp watched Robyn exit the exam room, hidden behind the one-way glass. Gordon stood on his right, silently observing the exchange between the Assistant Director and the biologist.

"Do you think she'll keep quiet?" Gordon rasped, voice still hoarse from smoke inhalation.

"She'll keep her mouth shut." Shepp mumbled back.

Gordon eyed him skeptically, lifting a brow. "How do you know?"

"She's smart enough to know it's for the best." Shepp offered, though he doubted her silence would last forever.

"And what about Quinn? Should we tell her?"

Shepp shook his head solemnly. "No. It's better this way."

Gordon nodded, motioning for Shepp to exit. "We better go see her along, then."

"Yes," Shepp whispered, clearing his throat "that we should."

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