Chapter 1

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Dean's POV:

I groan as the morning light finally reaches my eyes. I instinctively hug the warm figure beside me in order to wake him up. Our tradition. 

 Castiel, my beautiful boyfriend, stretches his legs out and rolls over to face me. 

I open my eyes and look at his half-asleep face as he smiles and leans into my neck, snuggling deeper into the pillow. 

I smile as my hand makes its way to his neck. I play with his hair and give him a soft kiss on his forehead.

"Morning, love." I say as I attempt to pull his head up to wake him.

"Mmmmmmmmf" is his response. He sighs against my neck and brings his hands up to rub his eyes.

"You have school today. You should probably get ready. I have Abbie coming over at 10 to film." I say, still just trying to wake him up. He's like a grumpy baby if I do it too fast.

"Yeah yeah. Five more minutes." He mumbles into my neck.

"Alright Love." I say as I continue to massage through his hair. 


"Deeeaan?" Cas yells from the bathroom, where he is trying to tie his tie. He happens to be failing miserably at this, and I know because- "Can you help me with this damn tie? I can't seem to get it today." 

"Yes Cas, of course." I say, trying to suppress my laughter. 

I walk into our bathroom and snake my arms around under his as I make my way towards his tie. "We've been over this, love." I smile, "Like this." I slowly tie his tie, making sure it's loose, then tuck the smaller part into the loop into the larger part.

Cas smiles, "What would I do without you?"

"Probably crash and burn." I say as I smack his butt and run out of the room before he can tackle me.

"You ass!!!" I hear as I run into the kitchen. 

I go to check the comments on my latest video as I simultaneously start the coffee. It's pretty much the usual. You know.. "I love you!" "I'm totally obsessed!!" "I ship you and Abbie!!" "Who are you dating!!!!!!?????" "Ugh he's so hot." "Ur gay." 

I laugh at the last one. You little shits know this, why must you feel the need to state the obvious? 

I came out over a year ago, and yet they still feel the need to remind me, like I don't know. Ah to be young and stupid.

I pour the coffee into my mug, then Cas's. Speak of the devil, just as I finish and set the coffee (along with some toast) on the table, he comes walking into the kitchen. 

"Hey do you know where the keys are?" He says, patting his pant pockets.

"Check my coat." I reply. He's only allowed to drive baby on weekdays. 

"Found em'. Anyway, I sure hope Jack gets that project in to me on time. He's got potential, he just needs to get his act together. I showed you that last piece he did, right?" He asks.

"Oh yeah, the black and white of the bridge in Oregon. That was beautiful." I nod, remembering the print that Cas had so excitedly brought home the week before last. I love how enthusiastic he is with his kids, it's no wonder they love him so much. I mean it must be pretty difficult to get a class full of highschoolers to admire a teacher, but I see Cas's appeal. I mean of course I do. He's a hot, young, lovable dork, who has a soft spot for kids and photography. I don't know what I did to deserve him.

"So anyway I just think I'll stick to what I did last year. You know? Let them take creative control." Cas snaps me out of my thoughts. "So you said Abbie is coming over again today, right?" 

"Uh.. yeah!" We're filming a Q and A.. hopefully to clear up some stuff." I rub the back of my neck "Plus we're going to plan some stuff.. for videos.." 

"Ok, that sounds good." He smiles up at me, and suddenly bursts out in a fit of laughter. I give him a look, knowing what's about to come out of his mouth. "They still ship you with her huh? And they know you're gay!!" He laughs for a few more seconds before taking a sip of coffee.

"Yeah yeah hilarious, but totally insane. I've been over this with them. Plus I think Abbie has a boyfriend. They just in over their heads. Plus the only one I have the hots for is you, Mr. Novak." I grin, knowing he hates it when I call him that. He glares at me while still drinking his coffee. Truth is, I'm just trying to change the topic. Abbie is coming over to film a video, sure, but she's also coming to give me tips.. for the proposal I'm planning. 

Cas and I have been dating for six years... we met in our Sophomore year of High school, and instantly became best friends. We spent all of our time together. My dad didn't know I was gay at the time, and neither did my brother.. or so I thought. Turns out he figured it out in his own. When I asked him why he just said "You should've seen the way you looked at each other when you thought the other wasn't looking." 

Sam is the reason we're together. At our senior prom, we had both gone together... as friends.. but of course we both wanted more. I drove sam there with us since he was meeting his girlfriend at the school to go see a movie. Once we got out of the car, Sam came up behind me and said "Make a move, moron" and pushed me right into Cas. We stood there awkwardly for a couple seconds while Sam said bye and sped out of there. Then I basically said "fuck it" and grabbed Cas's face as I closed the gap between us. 

Fast forward to now and we're going strong. We have a house in LA, he has his dream job (photography teacher) and I have my dream job (making dumb videos in the internet, but getting paid... and also having an amazing fan base). But more than that, I have my dream life. I'm in a relationship with the most amazing man in the planet and I couldn't be happier. 

Which is why I want to make him my husband. The only problem is that Cas specifically told me that he doesn't want to go public.. and I don't know if I can handle it. At this point I jut want to scream to the world that "Castiel Novak is mine, so hands off! But also like look at how hot this guy is!!!!!!"


I wave bye to Cas as he backs out of the driveway, but as soon as he's out of sight I let out a sigh. 

Abbie and I have a lot of work to do.


Heyyy I hope you liked that. If you have any suggestions, tips, or just regular old banter, please feel free to comment. I really enjoy reading them.   

More coming soon.

The Teacher's Husband (Destiel AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz