Happy Birthday.

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A/N: This is the last chapter. I hope you like it.

Also this is a photo from the twins photoshoot.


Today is the twins first birthday, I can't believe how fast it went. Cassiopeia or Cassie as we call her is like Scorpios with her features like his but softer, the only thing that separates them is that she has red hair like mine, while Evelyn or Evie as we call her is exactly like me but she has Scorpios's blonde hair. Scorpios thought that because Cassie had a constellation as a name she would be blonde like him but she is definitely a red head.

So a life update, a week after I had the twins Scorpios moved in, Jacob didn't like that but was trying to be supportive so agreed to it. I haven't been with Teddy since the day after the twins were born, I won't say that I'm glad because I honestly miss being with him.

Dom and Alix are engaged and I wouldn't be surprised if they eloped one day soon. Most surprising to the family was that as soon as James left school he went straight into Healing, he wanted to be a midwife Healer, apparently helping me with labour made him want to do that as a job. Aunt Ginny was so proud.

I wake up to the sound of giggling, I look at the baby monitor that has a camera and see the twins standing in their crib giggling, I smile and get out of bed and head to their room, once there my girls reach out to me and coo, I smile and pick up Cassie and she giggles into my ear. I take her into the kitchen, where I find Scorpios making the girls their usual cereal of rice crispies, I place Cassie in her highchair and Scorpios puts her bowl on the table for her.

I go and get Evie and place her into her highchair and help feed her while Scorpios feeds Cassie. "Are you looking forward to later?" Scorpios ask me, I smile. "Of course I am, my girls are one year olds now." I say with a grin, I pull a funny face at Evie and she giggles, I feel Scorpios watch me and smile at myself.

Jacob wakes up an hour later, he kisses me softly on the head and nods at Scorpios before he grabs an apple and eats it. "I hope you're at least going to have some cake later." I say with a frown to his apple, he grins. "Of course I will." Jacob says before he takes another bite from his apple. Another thing that happened was that Jacob got signed on to the Chudley Cannons quidditch team six months ago.

We get back from doing a photoshoot that I convinced Scorpios to do for the girls first birthday, the girls are covered in cake and frosting so I ask Scorpios and Jacob to bath them while I get everything ready, the girls party is in an hour. I place banners, balloons and use some spells to help put food and drinks out and I put the real birthday cakes in the fridge.

 I place banners, balloons and use some spells to help put food and drinks out and I put the real birthday cakes in the fridge

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(Cassie and Evie's cakes.)


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