The Wedding.

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A/N: This is Victorie's wedding dress, hope you like it.


After that night I told everybody that I was having twins and that I was going to give them away, Scorpios found this very hard of course, mostly everyone was supportive of the idea, after we snogged me and Teddy promised not to do that again and we went to bed and nothing has been said about it, we still remain the best of friends, only yesterday I found out that Scorpios was coming to the wedding as Dom's plus one, soon after that I found out they were dating but taking it slow.

So today is the wedding, lucky for everybody (Mostly Victorie) I hadn't gotten any bigger and my dress was going to still fit me. I got dressed just after breakfast, just like Victorie told me, she was probably scared that I was going to get bigger in a space of 2 hours, which I think is quite impossible, but oh well Victorie can believe what she wants.

Its now less that 2 hours until the wedding and Victorie is freaking out, apparently she thinks that she won't think that she will fit in her dress as it has been 2 months since she tried it on, me and Dom are sniggering at the thought at it. "As if Vic could gain weight in 2 months, she is like the healthiest person I know." I say laughing, Dom only laughs a little. "What?" I ask unsure what she is going to say. "Vic thinks that she is pregnant." Dom say slowly, my eyes widen in shock.

"Oh my gosh, she is a healer, shouldn't she know that she is pregnant or not?" I ask Dom, who looks down, this must be hard for her, its been a month and 2 weeks since she lost the baby. "The tests don't tell her anything, but she said she has the symptoms." Dom says, she looks so down. "This must be hard for you, when did you find out?" I ask carefully. "This morning, she thinks she is about 2 months pregnant, that means she got pregnant around the same time as me." Dom says sadly.

"How are you?" I ask. "I'm fine." Dom says a little happier. "Come on, lets go help set up." I say, Dom smiles. "I'll go help set up, you go get the food ready." Dom says with a smile, I nod. I walk to the kitchen and help around for half an hour, then Nana Molly tells me to go and relax, so I start walking to the sitting room and just as I'm walking past the toilet, I'm pulled into it and before I can react my lips are pushed onto whoever it is and I'm kissing him, whoever this 'him' is, then seconds later he stops kissing me and I look at who it is. It's Scorpios.

"What are you doing?" I shriek at Scorpios, who starts kissing my neck. "I'm kissing you, problem?" Scorpios asks absent mindedly. "Yes actually I do, you re-dating my best friend/cousin, who I have just started re-building me relationship with." I say as I push Scorpios away, he looks at me. "Sorry, yeah your right." Scorpios says. "Good, now go find her, she need comforting." I tell Scorpios bossily, he winks at me and then walks out, I sigh. Why do boys keep snogging me, especially if they are dating my cousins? So annoying.

Jacob then came to see me, I invited him to the wedding, well actually Victorie invited him. He and Roxie were having a chat, when he saw me and kissed me, which was nice. "Are you alright?" Jacob asks me. "Yeah, just can't believe Teddy and Vic are getting married in an hour." I say, its weird as I was always rooting for them to get together and now they are getting married, then Vic might be pregnant, its all gone so fast.

"Would you ever want to settle down?" Jacob asks me. "Well I'm halfway there." I say with a laugh. "Honestly would you like too?" Jacob asks softly. "Yeah I would." I tell Jacob happily. "Same, if I just find the right person to settle down with." Jacob says. "Yeah." I say, Jacob grabs my hand. "If you still love me in a couple of months or even after that, how about we settle down." Jacob says, oh gosh is he proposing to me? I don't know how to answer this.

"Don't you think we're a little young for that?" I ask softly. "If we love each enough, then no, but I totally understand that you might only be liking me because your pregnant." Jacob says kindly. "Oh Jacob." I say shaking my head, then I kiss him and it was one of the best kisses I have had, Roxie tells us to 'get a room' but still carried on kissing, finally we stop kissing and smile at each other.

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