Chapter 36 - Whirlwind

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He doesn't say but shows you instead. He had painted the egg light pink and drew a big red hearth in the middle with your initials in it drawn in black. He hands it to you and you read the writing.

(f/l) + J

''For me ? It it because of the gifts I said earlier ? Awww!'' you get out of your seat and go over to him for a tight hug. To show even more appreciation, you give him a kiss on the cheek.You put all the eggs on display and go wash everythign and clean up the table.

As the weekend went by you had everything prepared for your abscence. You had gone grocery shopping too,filling the cabinets with stuff. This morning you were driving Cookie to the shelter for his haircut. Your furry friend was about to be very relieved.

''Goodmorning !'' you tell the secretary and sit in the waiting room. The vet arrives and you leave Cookie at his office.

''Come pick him up in an hour.'' the secretary says. 

''Can I ask you something ? Are you looking for volunteers at the shelter ?''

''Everyone is always welcome! Are you interested ?''

''Actually, yes. A friend and I would love to help. I'll just have to explain you some things.''

''Sure. Come fill those forms any time !'' she replies.

''Thank you.'' you say.

You go to the laundry room and take the clothes out of the dryer and and them outside. You washed the sheets along with some of your clothes and Jason's,so he can have something to wear along with plenty to eat. As you keep hanging the clothes Jason gives you a good scare by showing up behind the sheet.

''Yeesh! You scared me !'' you tell Jason. ''How's the border ?'' you say in a joking tone. Jason sighs. 'It seems I got you all covered for while I'm gone. I'll leave the laptop here so I can call you.''

You take the basin inside, Jason following you to the house. ''I asked to volunteer at the shelter.I thought it would interest you to go out a bit.'' Jason thinks about it while taking of his mask. He looks down at it and looks at you. ''No, I didnt tell them yet. I wanted to know if it's okay with you first.'' H e shrugs and sits down.

''Would you mind to go water the garden while I make lunch ? I got to go get Cookie,too.'' he nods and goes back outside.Since you were leaving tomorrow morning, you thought it would be nice to start making that tart for Debby.

When Jason is back, you were abou to put the mixture in the oven. Once you do that, you head to the vet's. On your return, you turn on the oven. While you wait, Jason brings the book and you take a few turns reading. He was starting to calm down. After some time, you take the tart out of the oven.

''Smells good,doesn't it ?'' you ask him and he nods. Jason then gives you the sign he wants to leave again.''Are you sure ? It's dark outside,now.'' He nods again.

With Jason gone, you decide to watch a movie. Since that time of the month had past it was also time to celebrate.That was the deal you had made. Drink as much as you want, all day. You take a beer out of the fridge and continue to watch the movie.

One can is replaced by another and another. At this point you were quite dizy and tipsy but not to the point of being drunk. The movie finally ends and Jason returns, as well. He comes to sit next to you. Seeng the empty cans doesn;t really please him,but he was willing to keep his word.

''Hey,cutie ! Don't worry, I ain't drunk just tipsy...''  he looks at you quite douptful. ''I am so grateful to have someone like you in my life.'' that was definatelly the alcohol talking.

''Why won't you give me your stuff, I put the on the table for you.'' if Jason had any hint of an eyebrow,he was definatelly raising it. He decides it would be best to tuck you in before being too crazy. He follows you to the table. 

''What ? Can you just stop looking so cute ?'' you say cupping his face, standing on your toes and kiss him.Like, an actual kiss. He even put an arm around your waist. Once you realise your lips were touching, you sober up. What the hell ? Jason was in shock,as well,though he didn't pull away. You push back in panic.

''What did I just do ! I'm so, so sorry !'' you say and disappear upstairs,going to hide in shame. ''Why do I always ruin everything ???'' you ask yourself out loud, shutting the door.

Jason decided to give you space, not understanding what he did wrong. He slept on the sofa that night. When you woke up at first light, you snuck out and left, leaving a note. You kiss Cookie and took the egg with you last minute.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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