Chapter 28 - Shopping

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Your exam period was coming to an end and in the meantime Jason got to spend time getting to lnow Debby and then talk about it when it was just the two of you at home. At the same time, you were discussing designs about your new garden that you were going to set up,once you get back. After lunch, despite having put your plates in the washing machine,you were cleaning the pots by hand while Debby was putting some stuff ahe bought in the fridge.

''Well, one thing I sure miss is the dish washer...''you say rinsing a plate.

''You don't have one at Crystal Lake?'' you shake your head.

''We shuld go get Jason some clothes,eventualy. We keep canceling it.''

''Last time I checked Good Will had some nice stuff.''

''Trust me, I wasn't going to go anywhere around a mall.''

''The mask ?'' she asks.

''Yup. That's not coming off. Wonder how you haven't asked about it.''

''You are a MAGNET for weirdos. But he is a good guy so...he's allowed some quirkiness.'' she says,withoout meaning to offend you.''Which brings me to...can I see your tat ?''

You gulp. ''Um...why ?'' she comes closer to you. ''I want to see something...'' ''Why, NO !'' you say taking your soapy hand out of the sink. ''I'm going to tickle you!'' ''Debby! NO !''

She starts tickling you till she gets what she needs. She slightly lifts your shirt and gasps as she pulls away. ''I FUCKING KNEW IT! I KNEW he looked familiar !'' 

You were in the deep now ''OK,missy.You better start explaining what is happening here, and why some random dude looks exactly like a tattoo you have! Is he really THE Jason Voorhees ? Like,from the urban legend ?''

You call Jason out of the room and sit Debby down between the two of you on the couch. ''She knows.'' you tell him and he nods. You tell Debby everything that has happened,hiding a portion of the truth. You tell her you went to find if he exists, you have car trouble,you got to be friends and stayed. No killings.

''Let me get this straight...his mother,whose head you keed in a refrigerator in your room,by the TALKING to you...''

''In my head...''

''In your head...''

''I told you she wasn't ready,Jason...''

''THAT IS SO GOD DAMN COOL! Sign me up!'' Debby exclaims.

''Debby, you understand this isn't just some OUIJA board crap,right?''

''Yup. Having a poltergeist help youfrom the other world is dope! Imagine yourself like Sabrina! Minus the devil,of course.''

''Well, I do have a demon.'' you say and point at Jason with your thumb

''That' twice as cool!''

''So you believe me ?''

''Honestly, even if you told me he was an alien I would have believed you.''

''So you say I'm crazy ? Because I can prove it !''

''OK, give me whatcha got!''

~Would really appreciate the help here~

~So now you need me...for show off?~

~No time like the present~ you say. ''See those photos you got over there ?'' Debby nods. ''Watch.'' you say with a serious tone. Righ after that, the framed photos on the tabletop fall over.

''WOAH ! that was some SERIOUS shit! My bestie is a witch !''

''Not excactly...more like the puppet to an invisible puppeteer.''

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