Chapter 16 - Commitment

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'Lucifer',the show, has the best songs ever ! This one really captures the whole chapter,I love it!


Once you are ready for the day, you get the clothes you had  left to soak and headed to the wash room and toss the clothes into the washing machine. You also pick up the other bloodstained  clothes you had left there, along with the bed sheets and sofa covers.

''I should have soaked those too,huh'' you let out a huff. ''That is never going to wash off.''

Once you started the washing machine with everything that could be saved, you got back at the torn up,dirty clothes you had left there. They are pretty much unwearable and useless. You held you favorite shirt in your hands, tracing the huge tear with your fingers. The memories of that night replaying into your head as if it happened minutes ago.

How you felt so weak,helpless,humiliated as you had felt most of your life,worthy of nothing. Absolutelly nothing.Not even death.

You still smelled the burned flesh on your chest. You checked to see if the mark had magically disappeared.No. It was still there. Then came Jason. He came to rescue your pathetic self from the situation. Perhaps you had it coming, you eventually thought, now hot tears coming down your eyes.

''I don't deserve him. Pamela was right. I don't and never will...not even being killed by him...and now he is my fr-friend'' you mummbled and sniffed. Overwhelmed as you were, you had the sensation of being choked by all this,so you ran outside.

Pushing the door open,you get outside out of air. You look up to the sky with your eyes closed and take a deep breath. As you were exhaling something cold touched your nose. You open your eyes and see faint snowflakes all around you. The first snow of the year. It was so pretty.

It also meant you had to stock up.You went by Jason's shed to see if he wanted anything in particular,when you almost got hit by a flying piece of wood,coming from inside. Was that one of his mood swings ? You tried anyway.

''Hey Jason... can I c--'' you said slowly pushing the door open.

Jason hadn't noticed you,while lifting his stool above his head and throwing it furiously on the floor.

''Not a morning person,are you ?'' you said to get the masked mans attention.''What put you in such a mood, sweetie ?''

~Made.(y/n) gift.Bad.~

''Gift ? For me ? Is that what almost hit me ?'' Jason curled up a bit in embarassment.

''At least you're not trying to kill me this time...I'm going to the store,want anything in particular ? It has started to snow,so I'm going in for a big load.''

Jason shakes his head.

''Then, I want something from you,since you know your way around the camp. Could you please figure out how to turn on the heating ? If there is any,which I hope...the fireplace won't do it all winter...'' 

You left Jason to go to the store. Today was going to be full.On your way out though,you picked up the ''discarded'' gift from Jason. It was a big piece of wood with your name on it only half finished because of the big line on the last letter. What Jason viewed as ''failure'' made your name look as if written in a horror font - only half-done-. You left the piece home,kissed Cookie and left.

On your way back, you visited the town hall where the wedding preparations were being made. After all, the wedding was this afternoon. You greeted the bride-to-be and helped the installation of the lighting,checking the lights that would be available in the garden to mentally picture how you were going to do the shooting. When your stomach started to complain, you decided to leave.

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