Chapter 3 - Hospitality

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The songs I put sometimes have a hint about what's gonna happen ! So look out for clues my darlings 😘 !

The sun was out and shining now right into your face."Fuck" you groaned as you looked around to see were you were. You were laying on a bed,more like an old matress with a deep dent like someone heavy laid on it for a long period of time. Then the events of the previous night hit you. "Oh" you said out loud.

It was a small cabin, but definatelly not the one you were in last night. No dead body or blood on the floor, no smashed door nor window, just walls eaten away through the years.

You hear a cracking sound and turn your head towards it...a fire. You smile at the thought of who might have done all of that. You decide to get close to it. Besides, you were still naked.

You step out of the bed but as you step on the floor,one of the wooden boards lifted itself and knocked you off balance to the floor. As you turned your head you let out a loud scream from the sight that met your eyes.

"Goodmorning to you too, Mrs.Voorhees !" You exclaimed "You gave me a good scare !" You joked poking the mummified head on the nose.

You stand up and go warm yourself crouching near the roaring fire. You turn around so you can get all of you warm again,since the humid shed is much colder than outside. Speaking of outside, once you stand up again feeling warm you see Jason out of the window returning holding something(s) in his arms but couldn't tell.

You hastily make your way to the bed and cover yourself. He had seen enough the previous night. Once you made yourself decent, the door creaks and he steps in. He is an absolute unit!

"Morning Jason!" You greet him happily with a big smile.Low-key terrified.

He takes it as an approval to approach you even though you take a step back as he is about to move forward.

"What do you have there ??" you point to his arms.

Jason reaches the foot of the bed and opens his arms. Clothes. He had brought you clothes. Some had blood on them but it didn't change his kind gesture. He defimatelly thought you were interesting. Plus, you had a bond now that both of you will have to explore.

"For me ? Thank you so much ! Aren't you a good boy !" You cooed at him, you had heard what this petname ment to him.

Once he heard it he jumped up at the praise in an almost childish fashion that made you giggle. "You have him in your grasp" the manipulative side of you thought. But for an unknown reason you banished it as if it were improper and did not serve your interests. You shook your head.

"Seriously ?" You exclaimed jokingly holding a thong with your fingers. "Not gonna happen !" You commented. You went through more of the clothes that unravelled a freshly clean smell. Had he stolen them ? And if yes, what happened to the owners ?

"Jason ? Could you be a darling and let a lady dress ?"

He nodded and went back to the door
"No don't leave" You said in a hurry. "Just face the other way for a sec"
Jason did not approve of that much but he agreed to wait. It was the first time someone didn't want him to go away. he still was unsure whether to kill you or not. Mother had told him nothing of this. Was it a surprise gift ?

You also tried on a bra, too small. You would have to dress without underwear. Thankfully, it was only temporary. Also, pants with no panties was a big ''ouch''

"You can turn around now." You said
Jason turned around and sat at the foot of the bed.
"There is something very important I want to tell you, Jason". He nods wandering if you might answer his questions.
~Can you hear that?~ you whisper in his mind. Jason looks around confused.
"You heard that ? It was me !"
He turns to you and nods.
"Why don't you try it! I know,I's nothing like talking"
He looks around as if he was looking for something.
"Just use your mind and pass the words to mine...there is something you want to ask me...what is it ?" you said reading his body language.
~You Me Alive~ You finally hear the words faintly in your head. You nod to let him know you heard them.Takes you a few seconds to realise what he is asking.
"Yes, it was me who brought you back ! I-"
Your sentence was interupted by your growling stomach. You were starving. Jason quickly stood up and left without a word. Damn he is fast. He probably went about his rounds for the day. You had a few things to do as well though.

You got out of the bed and headed out only to flinch as your bare foot touched the muddy ground. You let out a groan and continued. You walked into the forest having no clue where you were heading only to be redirected by the camp. You went all the way to the spot you had burried your clothes,relieved the were alright. You were going to change, but only after a good shower.

You follow the path all the way back to your car. The dead body was still laying there with blood all around. You make your way to the back seats. You open the door, the smell of the burger you had the previous day filling you.''I guess now I have signed up for a more healthy diet'' as you take the empty wrap and Coke from the cup holders taking a sip ''Blah'' you exclaimed.You go on and take the backpack you packed with clothes, a map of the camp and area,your phone,wallet and a hunting knife your best friend had brought you once as a souvenir from France (?) you could not remember. you switch your phone on

''I'll kill you,bitch !'' was text from your ex and 6 missed calls from your mother ''Fuck off cunt,as if you care...asking me for money again...'' you swiped the notification away.

You headed your way disposing of your garbage too.You open the door and set your things down. Not much longer Jason came back opening the door wide open,panting and tossing a big package from over his shoulders to the floor making a wet thumping sound. Fish. But it was not the gesture that surprised you this time, it was the fact that he used your cloth to carry them all the way to the shed.After brain lagging ,you looked down and said

''Were you at the lake ? I did not see you there !'' Jason nodded. ''How did you catch them ? You don't have any fishing equi-'' you then noticed his drenched clothes. He was in the lake.

''You caught them with your hands ?'' he nodded again. 

''Well I gess,I have to cook them now!'' something in this sentence lifted his spirit. Cook. His mommy was a cook. ''If I had more ingredients, I would have thrown something together ! I'm quite good at it, you know'' you sligtly pout. ''Pfft, anywho'' you grab the cloth and carry it all the way to the camp with Jason. 

As soon as you arrived he understood what you were doing and started lighting a fire. You used the knife you had on you to slice the fish,using a log as a cutting board but careful enough not to cut the cloth,to allow it to cook better.In the meantime, Jason tries to arrange some sticks in the form of a grill.''Slow in the head my-ass!'' You thought.You both really enjoy the way you work together so far. Perhaps it was a start to a good friendship.

Once the fish was cooked you agreed to sit on the dock with him as some sort of picnic. You started to bite down as he watched you, since he did not want to eat around you, because it would mean him taking his mask off. He did not know you yet nor trusted you but you were very nice to him. Besides, you were a gift from his mother,something he would never reject.

You looked at Jason and made eye contact for a second as you were eating your food. The expression in his blue eyes unreadable.Jason looked away. He did not want to annoy you. As you were about to engage into conversation you noticed his mind was away. Thinking. Of what  ? You did not know but his whole posture reminded you from the scene of Sweeney Todd,By The Sea. You smiled at the comparison. Once you have finished, you sighed which made Jason face you.

''My name is (Y/N), by the way !'' 

''My name is (Y/N), by the way !'' 

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