Chapter 20 - Cold Night

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OMG 20 Chapters, unbelievable ! Friday 13th related songs will come in the summertime !


''What is i-'' you were going to ask, putting your hands on his shoulders. He was icy cold. It was very windy outside, plus the cold and humidity.Poor thing must have froze in that shack. You wrap a blanket around him a rub him all over to make him warm. You then takes his hand into yours,rubbing them too. When he was slightly warmer you think that he would feel much better after a warm bath.

'' you think a warm bath would help you feel better ? I can prepare it for you !''

You see Jason hesitate, both of you thinking the same thing. He did understand that a bath is nothing like a lake in the summertime and the fact that you care about him. He finally nods, thinking it would please you and hopefully benefit him,since you said so.

''Ok, I'll go fill the tub a bit and get you some towels.''

You get into the bathroom and turn the tap on,while giving Jason the towels. Jason gets in the bathroom once everything was prepared. Making baby steps, he starts to undress.

''Um...Jason,when you are done undressing, put your clothes in the hallway so I can dry them on the radiator!'' 

You sit on the bed waiting,when you see him open the door and dropping the pile. You waste no time and hang them on the radiators all around the house. Jason on his side had sat inside the tub,barelly fitting but starting to enjoy his bath nevertheless. From all the bottles he chose the pink one, who happened to be the showerr gel,thinking it would be strange if he smelled like you. While he was bathing, he took off his mask and washed it too, then his face. He was alredy feeling much better thanks to you. You had,indeed, made him step outside his comfort zone but it was worth it.When he was done, his clothes happened to be dry as well, making you knock on the door.

''Jason,your clothes are done, I'll leave them in front of the door for you.'' Jason picks them up as soon as you leave and comes back fully dressed. You sit on the beds and tell him he can stay for a sleep over.''No,Jason, you will stay here and share the bed with me. I saw you the other day on the couch,you don't even fit! Cookie is going to sleep there.''

Since neither of you felt sleepy, you find the opportunity for one last activity for the day.''Jason, want to read a book with me ?'' Jason nods. You head to your backpack and grab the Harry Potter  book. You sit next to Jason,just like you did for the movie and you start reading out loud to him. Sleep caught up with you around chapter 4.

''I think that's all for today...''you said closing the book.''Did you like it ?'' Jason nods.You go from your side of the bed.''Goodnight...''

~Goo...d.N..ight~ Jason replies.Once the lights are off you hear a thump.Jason had taken off his mask for the night as he was facing the other way. As curious as you were to see his face,you let it go and went to sleep.

Starting to wake up, you move slowly with eyes still closed. Not wanting to fully wake up just yet, you sense movement on the bed,paying it no mind. After a small pause, you felt more movement,but way slower. Almost at the point of going back to sleep you start wondering what is happening and what are you holding onto that's so warm ? You open your eyes and see that you've lached on Jason's back with both your arms and legs. You sheepishly break away, and roll back over to the far side of the bed. You've been awake for maybe thirty seconds, and already have a furious blush. All that effort for trying to be a good person and friend,just to go on full jetpack mode on him.

''Sorry, It's been forever since I had a sleepover...'' Jason doesn't answer in any way, he just looks at you and puts a hand on your stomach,worry in the masked killer's blue eyes.''I am not in pain any more, so sweet of you to ask...'' you say and he gets out of bed..''You can use the bathroom now and let me get dressed,ok ?'' he looks at you and nods.

You dress up and go on your way downstairs,you glance out of the window. It had snowed all night long and now all the ground and trees were wrapped in a smooth,untouched,white coat. You suddenly felt like a kid again and wanted to ask Jason to play in it together. You would make a snowman,snow angels...everything! But you were starving and had to take a good breakfast first.You prepare some bread,butter and jam for breakfast with some fruit juice,a bit uncomfortable still.  You serve Cookie some dog food and bring the plates while nervously putting a lock behind your ear.

''Did you have a good night sleep,nice and warm ?'' you ask him with a smile. Jason happily nods. While you eat,your eyes fall back on his coat,he had taken off and put on the chair like he did.''Was it...always bloodstained ?'' Jason shrugs,he hadn't paid attention until now.''Because I remember washing it recently...''

''Also...I need two things from you,sweetie. One, help bring some gas tanks from the car to the kitchen, I barely got them into the car and you want to play in the snow with me ?''

Jason nodded. He wanted to ask you himself but was too shy,since it was only yesterday the you were sick with these dreadful ''tummy aches'' that hurt you. He couldn't do anything about it and was frustrated. It's hard to be helpful if you can't stab the problem with a machete. Since,you were feeling much better though, he would love for once to play in the snow with a friend,a best friend.

You put on the warmest clothes the you had brought and so did Jason,before heading out. First, the two of you get to your car and let Jason carry the tanks inside while you wait for Cookie to go potty and get back inside. In the meantime you just laid down and made a snow angel while waiting. When Jason was done,letting Cookie inside, it was time for fun once again.

''So, want to build a snowman ?'' you ask as you gathered snow in front of your feet,Jason joined in.

You spend the time carefully making almost perfecly round balls and stacked them on top of each other. ''Hey Jason,high five!'' you said and thankfully Jason didn't leave you hanging.''I think our snowman needs a face and arms,how about these sticks,huh ?'' you say as you cut them of a tree and plant it on each side of the snowman not noticing Jason was gone.

He comes back from behind you with some rocks.''Excellent ! Do the honors...'' you waved towrds the snowman you made together and he added them.''I'll go get a  carrot !'' you run inside and back out to add the final touch.'' Man, I wish I had gloves like you,my hands are freezing!'' you say while you rub them together as you admire your creation.

As you turned your back to go inside, you get hit in the back by something. Jason wanted to start a snowball fight, you were happy to oblige.You chuckle lightly and prepare your attack. ''Oh,I are going down!'' you shout an empty threat preparing your attack. The masked killer stalks your every move and throws,but you dodge last minute.

''Moving targets ain't like darts,dear.'' you said in a cocky tone and throw, hitting Jason's shoulder.''Catch me if you can!'' you say Jason while making a run for the trees.

You spend a lot of time chasing each other around,using trees a cover often succeeding. When your bare hands started to be really cold, you wanted to tell Jason to stop after you throw your lasts shot. You see him behind the tree and he sees you. As you both get ready to throw,he goes first and hits you in the face. You stumble and fall on your butt. Jason panics momentarily and comes to help you get the snow of your face,while you were just there laughing your face off,ending the game. ''Ok,sweetie,let's go inside before I get frostbite''.


As for the relationship between (y/n) and Jason...things only get warmer I assure you !          All true relationships grow stronger with time ;)

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