Chapter 13 - Mother,Mother

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I hope you too enjoy Lordi, I plan to add MANY of their songs in this ! I know child abuse is no joke but as I said in the description,there will be an example.


You wake up all rested and refreshed. Eat some of the leftover pizza for breakfast (talk about healthy diet lol) and get ready for the visit to the vet. While you were getting ready you received a call. It was from your mother.At first, you did not answer -knowing it would ruin your day with tears and did not feel like explainning to Jason- but you would have too.

You hopped in the car and drove to the shelter that also had a vet's office available for animals outside of it. Since you didn't have leash, you had to drag Cookie by his collar -which failed- but you ended up carrying him inside (too bad Jason can't come and help here).

''Goodmorning, miss. How can I help you ?'' the secretary greeted you.

''I came to give this guy a checkup.'' you put him on the floor.

''Do you have an appointment ?''

'' Is that ok ?'' you aske dusting off dog hair 

''None is here yet so you may enter''

''Hey ! Cookie !'' said the veterinarian happily.He looked around 28, had nice black hair and green eyes, quite cute.''Who did you bring today ?'' he said to Cookie and turned to you,'' I don't believe we have met...''

''Hello, my name is (y/n). I just got him after his previous owners died. I was wondering if you could tell me a few things about him, looks like you know him better...other than the checkup''

''Well, he was scheguled for a vaccine, if you want me to proceed.'' he began the examination.''Ears look good, teeth seem the way he is 2 years old,thought you want to worms. Can you pet him,please ?''

''Sure.'' you said as you saw him prepare the needles and stuff

''So,um..I noticed the ads you got on the window...I was wondering if I could put mine. I am a  near-graduate photographer.''

''Nice. My sister is getting married soon and is looking for one, interested ?''

~That man looks nasty!~

~He is just offering me a job, no big deal, mrs.Voorhees !~ you reply to her

''If not,we could still grab some coffee, right ?'' you immediately blush. Oh no.

~Careful about what your thoughts dwell on,young lady !~ Pamela whispers angrily

''Hum, I would love too ! Look a wedding is kinda big, especially for someone without an actual degree but give me her number,I'll send a copy of my portfolio and if she likes it, we can talk further...About the other thing...''

~Choose your next words carefully...~

~Honesly,death threats ?~

''Um...if you are indeed asking me out...I just...don't see men that way...''

''Oh ok....I understand. Sorry.''

~WHAT ?~  you hear Pamela almost screaming inside your head.

(y/n) 1- Pamela 0. That will keep her quiet for a while.

''It's ok,you wouldn't know.Can also buy some shampoo for this fluffy boy ?''

''Yes, one second...''

You go pay for everything and stop by the market, then return back to your cabin,no, your house. You enjoy the peace of mind as long as it will last and go about your day. It would be fun to try and bathe the dog with Jason, right? What a mess would that make. Your phone rings again,killing the mood.Your mother.Some demons live up to the reputation...

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