Chapter 9 - Mother Knows Best

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Wondered when Pams was gonna show up ? Make some noise for momma Voorhees !        How more complicated can things become ??


Jason carried you bride-style and teleported to his shed. He puts you down on the bed and helps you lie down. He then sits down to your side while dragging the covers on you.

~You hurt ?~ he asks

''No, it's much better now. Wake me up when you get tired. I'll go back.''

~No. sleep~

''Why ? You don't need it ?'' he nodded in response. You take a deep breath in doupt but close your eyes ready to go to sleep. 

Jason is happy that you are safe. That he just got there in time...well almost...they did hurt you. He watched you slowly drift and decided to remove his gloves. As you were facing the other way, he proceeded to gently caress your hair. He still felt like he did not deserve you and the kindness you showed him but 'mother knows best' he thought, while carefully stroking your silky smooth hair all the way down to your (f/c) highlights.

''Jason ?'' you said in a sleepy voice,your eyes still closed. The sudden question made him remove his hand for a second and put it back down. ''What's your favorite color ?''

~Pink.~ ''Hmm...why ?'' you yawned the words

~Mom pink sweater, best day.~ ''Hmm...nice.'' you said as you fell into a deep sleep with him still stroking your hair lightly.

As you dreamed, the dream seemed to get weirder and weirder. You were at this creepy abandoned house that seemed once to be lovely with its door wide open,with a kids bike on the porch giving you more creepy vibes. You stepped inside. It was frozen in time, as if whoever lived there and left, intended to return but never did. Your eyes fall onto the wall were children's drawings were put up, gathering dust that blackened the corners of the drawings. Your eyes fell on one specific drawing with stick figures of a family. You read the names. "Mum" ,"Dad","Jason". You smiled. It was Jason's old house.

You explored the house and got to the kitchen. There was just big pool of blood, assuming that is were ol' Elias must have taken an axe from his wife. You continue up the creaking stairs to the master bedroom, all nice and tidy with blood red -satin- sheets. You spot a mirror in the corner of your eye. A beautiful but dirty mirror, with a beautiful vintage golden frame on a surface. You examine the makeup station, set with a cloth matching the color of the bed. You spot some pearl right next to the mirror, wondering if they are real or not, but definatelly not your cup of tea.

You sit in front of the mirror looking at your reflection. Why are you seeing this ? And how ? Does it have anything to do with Jason or just your wild imagination ? All these questions are stirring up in your head while you  look at your faintly illuminated pale skin,since the sky outside had a washed-up cludy daylight.As you look into your reflections eyes you see a shadow behind you that made you jump and turn around.

"Hello (y/n)" said Pamela in a calm voice.

"P-Pamela ? Pamela Voorhees ?" you asked stuttering a bit

"That's right !  I was looking forward to officially meeting you."

"What's all of this ? Why here ? This place is creeping me out !" you said rubbing your arm.

"Well...this place is Jason's childhood home. Where we lived before going to that camp. All his memories are from here, although they are nothing but faded now but his innocence never did..."

"And my part is..?"

"You take me for a fool, girl?" she suddenly snapped making you take a few steps back.

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