Chapter 17 - Spooks

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I was so tempted to put ''Stabbing in the Dark'' by Ice Nine Kills but it's about Michael Myers. It's an absolute banger,do check it out !


When you wake up,the house is a mess. You start tidying up everything as silently as possible since Jason is all cramped up,asleep on the couch. Despite that, he is pretty adorable. You picked up your attempt of a skull,thinking it would look better once you added details and placed it back down. Now that Jason was alredy here,it would be nice to make some crepes fror breakfast. After the smell and soft sizzling sound filled the room, Jason woke up from his slumber.

''Did you manage to sleep well ?'' you ask him, he faintly nods.''Go wash your face and come to eat,it'll be ready in a minute !''

When Jason comes back he sits at the table with you. Now eating from under his mask, it's nice to have found to way for to stay in the room. You didn't even notice the change,really. He wasn't going to talk anytime soon but your friendship was truly growing.

''Chocolate milk?'' you ask,to which he agreed.''So what do you say we finish everything today and then watch a movie in the spooky mood ?'' he nods. You both start eating,while you take your phone to check your bank account.While entering your information,you turn to Jason.

''I fotgot to tell you...this morning I cleaned the other bathroom too'' you said pointing to the door next to the storage room.''It's all yours.''

Jason stopped eating to look at where you were pointing then slurpped some of his chocolate milk.

''Oof! That last trip to the supermarket really caused some damage to my credit card. Good thing I'm getting paid today! Which reminds me that I would have to leave you again for like 30 minutes, you'll live, right ?'' you joked and winked at him.

Once Jason finished his breakfast, it was time for him to go about his rounds. Perfect timing to get business done while feeling guilty about leaving him all alone. When you got the text back that it okay to go, you wasted no time. You got directions to their house,got inside and projected all  the photos on their computer. They looked very happy.

''Here, 1000 $ as promised! '' Sophie said

''In cash ?'' you ask in surprise

''Something wrong with that ?''

''No, you are doing me a great service actually!''

''We will definatelly recommend you.''

''It was nice working with you,too.First time I meet people so nice,it's uncommon.Rare,even.''

On your way back you reflected a bit on the whole marriage thing. It really wasn't in your plans. You are not terribly against it but then again,you are 21.That could maybe,one day,change. When you get back you cover the table once again and bring out all the paint,markers and colored paper available. When you sensed Jason nearby,you opened the door.

''Well,hello ! I have started to sense your presence too! I already have prepared everything...just do the honors of popping the balloons!''

You give Jason the pair of scissors making your knuckles brush against one another.You feel heat suddently rising in your cheeks with Jason's soft touch. Confused,you pull your hand  away from his,leaving a weird sensation in your chest. He pops the balloons and starts to cut out the masks. You both start cutting and painting endlessly,when you heard a scratch on the door.It was Cookie wantin in after his last outing. Once you open  the door and goes over his bowl to eat you sit back down with Jason to paint your masks.

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