Chapter 1: Joint Operations

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In his office, he was monitoring the situation several miles from the Avengers Facility. Though he led this organization, he preferred to be in the shadows. Not everyone agreed though. Some felt that S.H.I.E.L.D. should be public again, but he knew what was risked going public again. They were still fighting Hydra and covertly giving helpful information to the Avengers as to which bases were more important and which were too heavily defended for a normal strike. They had asked several times if they could send their powered to help, but on Stark's insistence, the Avengers handled the threats.

"Boss," said a voice coming from his door, "Agent May has returned from her recon mission in the Philippines."

"Thanks, Daisy," he replied, "I'll debrief her later."

Daisy noticed that he hadn't taken his eyes off of the screen. She decided to join him and saw a giant ship had crashed in a forest.

"Where's that?" She asked.

"Miles away from the Avengers Facility."

"Collateral damage?"

"Nobody lives around there for many more miles."

"Any lifeforms?"

"One remained on board."

"'Remained on board'?"

"A few dozen ships flew out from beneath it while it was flying through the atmosphere. There were about a hundred lifeforms between them."

"Do they know?"

"Not likely. Iron Man, War Machine, Falcon, Vision, none of them gave any pursuit when they left. They were probably preoccupied with the potential damage that they never noticed."

"Do we know where they're going?"

"Possibly. We're monitoring their flight path now."

The screen changed briefly to show a group of ships flying elsewhere, away from the crashed ship. The ships looked like, by all laws of aerodynamics, they shouldn't even be able to fly.

"We really need to let them know." Daisy said.

"Well, they won't know what to think if I go to them and tell them." He replied, "So, I guess you have your next assignment."

"I'll leave at once, Coulson."


Even Thor's cellular structure was nothing like the being that Peter brought from the ship. He was physically identical to humans, but his cellular structure was strange. He had all of the structure that humans had, but also some other unknown item near the mitochondria. Tony was debriefing Peter in another room.

"We'll send a few drones to check the wreckage," Tony said after Peter was done, "see if there's anything salvageable. You did good, kid."

Tony walked out of the room. Steve, Natasha, and Clint were all studying the technology that was being brought over in the hangar.

"So these guns are how much more powerful than what the Chitauri used?" Asked Clint.

"That's a question for Tony, not us," Steve replied, "but the important thing now is still whether or not there were too many other survivors and where they went."

The hangar began filling with mighty gusts of wind. A quinjet descended from the sky and landed relatively close to them. Natasha and Clint drew their weapons while Steve brought his shield up. The ramp opened revealing a woman with strange metal gauntlets.

"Who are you?" Natasha asked.

"An ally," the woman answered, "you know all of the Hydra bases that were given to you? The organization I work with gave you those bases' locations."

"You still didn't answer the question," Steve reiterated, "who are you?"

"At ease people," they heard from the entrance. Everyone looked and saw Tony. He continued, "This is Quake, also known as Daisy Johnson, member of our mysterious benefactors and a powered individual."

"So why are you here?" Steve asked Daisy.

"My group is tracking the escaped crew of the mystery ship," she replied, "I've been authorized to help you in any way possible, including a partnership with you guys."

"Alright," Tony said, "but you're still an agent of whoever you work for, not an Avenger."

"Well, not yet anyway," she added under her breath.

"So what do you do anyway," Natasha asked, "as in what are your powers?"

Daisy extended her hand to a crate several yards away. A strange pulsing wave shot out of her hand and shattered the crate. Everyone nodded, impressed. They heard cracking in one of the walls. They looked around for the source. Thor ran through the entrance.

"The survivor is waking up," he said.

Everyone ran to the room the person was in. He was shaking and writhing in the hospital bed and random objects were floating and flying.

"Wake him up," Steve said, "I think he's having a nightmare."

Thor tapped on the person's left cheek, where two parallel lines were. The person's eyes flew open. He extended his hand and Thor flew back, hitting the wall with a thud and leaving a dent. The person then proceeded to rip off all of the vital readers and IVs. Almost animalistically he leapt off the bed and ran into the hangar in a confused state. Everyone followed. Natasha readied a stun dart and fired. The person ducked out of the way and, extending his hand, launched her back. Steve threw his shield at the person, who ended up grabbing it with his hand extended and launched it back. Steve caught it. Out of nowhere a white wad of something shot towards the person. He stepped out of the way only for another wad to hit him in the left arm, covering him in a web-like substance. Spider-man dropped from the ceiling.

"Would you calm down," he said to the person, "and tell us who you are?"

"Why don't you tell me who you are? Where am I? Why am I off of the Stardestroyer? Where's Thrawn?"

Hey, this part didn't take a month to complete! Progress!

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