Falling Fred Weasley

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Pushing my broom to go faster as I shot through the air chasing a particular red head around the Hogwarts. Fred was a head of me by about six feet but that wasn't going to last long. I mean I was a chaser for god sake I was built for speed!

It was Christmas break and since I had no where to go seeing as my parents were bloody twats and my brother being with his girlfriend I was alone stuck at Hogwarts, so my amazing great best friend Fred Weasley decided that he was going to stay with me over the holidays. We decided to fly around Hogwarts for a little but seeing as Fred being Fred it turned into a competition. Fred and I have been friends since I met him and George at kings cross and we have been interpretable since. I always wanted to be more then friends but he was always talking about Angelina and since he took her to the yule ball last year I don't stand a chance.

Just as we were passing the Gryffindor tower I finally passed the fiery red head,  I turned around to look at him sticking my tongue out at him and laughing. "Guess who's winning now Freddie." I said still not paying attention to where I was going. "Yeah, yeah, what ever you say Y/N we still have to get to the black lake and stop at the forest so be ready." He said rolling his eyes. I looked at him with determination then turned back around and took off faster.

"Eat my dust Fred!" I shouted with the black lake in my sight I was so prepared to win and rub it in his face. That was until I saw Fred catch up with me. Side by side we kept bumping each other lightly to try to shake one another but not hard enough that we knock one another off their broom and into the frozen lake.

Suddenly Fred flew back wards slightly until I had the lead again. I thought something had happened so turning all around looking for the tall Weasley. I saw nothing so I stopped in mid air looking for him. "FRED!!!" I shouted scared for my friend. Then all of sudden I hear a swoosh and all I see is a red form bump into my broom hard. I knew it was Fred because him and I were wearing our Quidditch robes to stay warm in the chilly weather. But here's the problem in my panic of a moment looking for Fred I wasn't holding on to my broom tight. Stupid move because when he slammed into me I was knocked off my broom. 

Plummeting towards the black lake as I was falling faster.  Screaming as I was falling mid air I held out my hands hoping Fred could grab one in time. Fred was chasing me trying to get to my falling form before I hit the lake but there wasn't enough time, "FRED!" I screamed scared about what was going to happen. Sure I played quidditch and I fall all the time but here's what's wrong. I can't swim.

I reached my hand out to grab Fred's but it was to late, I already hit the water and I was already sinking. Trying to gasp for air was my first mistake. I just sucked in a ton of water. I tried to swim back up but I was just thrashing around. That was mistake number two. The mermaids came and started to try to grab me. I kicked them and tried to punch them but there was to many I was over powered and there was nothing I could do. Even with my quidditch robes on the ice cold water was making my clothes heavier. 

This is not how I thought I was gonna die, I thought that I was gonna die some hero but I guess not. The mermaids were dragging me down, I couldn't breath. All I could think about was 'where was Fred' did he leave me to die or is he gonna save me. I stopped thrashing with the mermaids giving in to my fate. I know not very Gryffindor like but what could I do I was cold and I couldn't breath any more.

I started to see black dots cloud my vision so I just let go. And before I blacked out all I could see was a splash of the water and a cloud of red coming towards me. That was all I saw before everything was gone.


Fred's POV. 

She fell off her broom and started to fall towards the black lake. I tried to grab her I tried to but she hit the black lake before I could get to her. Y/N was my best friend and I was scared to lose her, scared to lose the one I really loved. 

I was scared as she plummeted towards the water I tried to get to her but it was to late, there wasn't enough time. Y/n broom hit the lake just a second after she did it floated but she didn't come back up she couldn't. She couldn't swim, 'Bloody hell she can't swim!' I screamed at my self. she was just floating there surrounded by mermaids. I shot curses at them to scare them off, they swam away and I grabbed the beautiful E/C girl pulling her to the surface, "Accio broom." I said. And I mounted the broom holding her in my chest as I flew her towards the bank of the lake. I dismounted and set her on the ground. She wasn't breathing so I started mouth to mouth, maybe a minuet or two later she shot up coughing water.

When she stopped I grabbed her and held her in my arms. "I'm so sorry Y/N, I thought I lost you." I said starting to cry. She got up and turned around to face me then she did something I never suspected. She kissed me.



I kissed him, he did nothing as my heart dropped to my stomach and I was about to pull away, that was until he grabbed the back of my neck and started to kiss me back. I ran my hands through his red hair savoring the moment. As we backed away, I ran my hand through his hair one more time. "What about Angelina?" I whispered. He pecked my lips one more time and sat me in his lap so I was straddling him.

"She was just a distraction, I didn't think you actually liked me." He said looking in my eye's. I didn't say anything so I just leaned in and kissed him again. I didn't want this moment to end but there's a stupid thing called air. "I guess you could say I'm falling for you Fred Weasley. I said laughing. 

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