Four · · · Ophryn (.2)

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Another blue blast light up the dark sky in the distance. It had to be at least be one o'clock at night, which meant Ophryn and Mell had been walking for hours.

Ophryn rubbed his forehead, making the back of his hand covered in sweat. The jungle was already hot itself, but Mell's body heat was making him even hotter. A few times, Mell had almost passed out from heat, but Ophryn knew they had to keep moving. It would be even hotter in the daylight. Ophryn promised that as soon as they saw the sun's first rays, he would let Mell take a break to sleep.

Ophryn head snapped to his left when he heard a deep growled come from the brush.

"What was that?" he whispered to Mell.

With a calm voice, Mell said, "A wolfa."

"I read about those," Ophryn answered. "Aren't they hybrid wolves. A wolf and bear combined?"

"Most," Mell said. "I believe they won't hurt you unless you are a threat of some sort. Don't be afraid Ryn, or they will attack. They have a very good sense of smell and can hear things from zons away. They are also not easily scared off. I bet they attacked a few of your Pent soldiers."

"If they're so dangerous, Princess, why do us guys use them and love them so much?" Ophryn asked Mell.

"Because," Mell started to say, "each person, thing, an object has a different side. Objects always have a backside. Same goes for things. People and animals have different personalities. Everybody has one main personality, whether is being kind or mean. If your kind, your other side could be anger and rage. Making sense?"

Ophryn nodded his head.

"This is why love the wolfas," Mell continued. "They might ruthless, but it could be because they think you are going to harm them or their babies. If you get time to know what they are, you'll see that they are totally different than what they seem."

"But why did you create these creatures?" Ophryn asked. "Why did you create something so dangerous?"

Mell scoffed at Ophryn. "What could you possibly mean? When Pent and Casta were joined as one, Pezda, the scientists created the wolfas to use in war if ever needed. A group of people, who hated this idea, rebelled at wanted to start their own colony and country. So there wouldn't be any conflict, the group of people who supported the creation of the wolfas let this happen and helped them build the new cities. These new cities were built underwater so the Pent, the group that rebelled, would never have to see the enemies again. The Pezdan, who lived above the water, changed their name to Casta so the Pent wouldn't hate them for stealing their planet's name and causing a war."

Ophryn shook his head in defiance. "That's not what I was told."

"What was it then?" Mell asked.

"My dad told me that the Castans forced rebels under the waves because they didn't like how your people were governing Pezda," Ophryn answered.

Mell frowned. "That's not what I learned."

"I guess the government likes to change the story to for the way they want to rule. Personally, I don't expect any better."

"That sounds right to me," Mell said with a little giggle. "Can we sleep now? I see the first light from the sun."

When Ophryn looked at Mell, it seemed as if she was going to pass out.

"Sure," he said, setting her against a moss-covered log.

"Thank you," she whispered before her eyes closed with sleep.

It was silent now, except for the crack of sticks and the crunch of leaves.

Just wolfas, Ophryn thought. They have to be. Or maybe those tapees I read about in a book. Hopefully.

Ophryn sat next to Mell. He had made sure to find a spot where they were covered under aca vines and moss so any Pent soldier wouldn't see them. He then put his hand in Mell's so he would wake up if she moved her hand out his or if someone kidnapped her.

Before Ophryn fell asleep, he saw that the wrap around her forehead was gone. Her symbol of royalty. Mell must of dropped it either in the flyer or during their walk through the woods. If she was smart, she would have left it with her pink sweater.

Ophryn could feel his eyes getting droopy. Ophryn didn't think he was tired, but his eyes were telling him a different story. The last thing Ophryn saw was the smile on Mell's lips.

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