Eighteen · · · Mell

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Harbor of Thonits, Pent, Pezda/Journey Across Ocean of Zellaphin

MELL FELT BAD LEAVING HER FOLLOWERS TO FEND FOR THEMSELVES. But most of all, she felt bad leaving her best friend, Day Chast. She didn't want to leave her friend all alone, but Day needed to do what she needed to do, which was to find their other friend Mar Matta. Mell could only picture Day's face when she found Mar and the faces of her servants when they saw their families again. But that was only if they made it out of the Harbor of Thonits.

As Mell, Ryn, and Kast walked through the streets to the harbor, Mell noticed the frustration on Ryn's face. He kept closing his eyes as if something was bothering him. The only problem: something was bothering him.

Ever since Ossian had started talking to Ryn with their minds, giving Mell a headache just thinking about, Ryn was overwhelmed with thoughts. It was like an overload to his brain. Soon, instead of just hearing Ossian's voice, he was also hearing Ossian desperate thoughts. When Ossian was afraid, all of a sudden Ryn started to act scared and start acting as if a monster was in front of him. His face would turn white, giving great concern to both Mell and Kast. Since Ossian was left all alone in the forest, this happened to Ryn a lot, making it even harder for Mell and Kast to drag him to the harbor. It was like as if floodgates had opened in his brain making it hard for him to control his own body.

Other times, when Ryn got a signal that Ossian was scared or in distress, Ryn would be in full-on protection mode to save his so-called son. Ryn would push off of both Mell and Kast running through the crowded streets to get to Ossian. When the floodgates were shut, Ryn would stop in tracks unable to breathe from the rush of adrenaline. Kast had learned to hold on to Ryn tight when this happened.

Luckily, the harbor wasn't too far. In a manner of minutes, the large zumo ships entered into view. Very few workers littered the vast area as they crossed the threshold to get Ossian on the other side. These workers were mostly Pents, dressed in neon yellow jackets so they could be spotted. There also weren't many guards around the area, but around the docks, Mell could see them standing as they laughed at people at the beach about a zon away from the main part of the harbor. In Hordlid Bay, fishermen, in their already owned zumo ships, were laying in the sun on their boats. Some women were fishing with their husbands, although most were tanning, though it didn't do much for their gray skin. The sun only made their yellow blotches of skin brighter.

To Mell, it looked as if most of Pent's population lived in the Harbor of Thonits, but Mell knew that wasn't true. If she had to guess, only about one percent lived in the Harbor of Thonits and about at least five percent in all of their other harbors, or land cities as they liked to call them. That meant ninety-four percent of their population lived under the waves in their huge cities where strong glass tunnels, created into zumo flyer roads, led from city to city and town to town. It was a place that Mell always wanted to visit or at least see from above, but it wasn't possible due to the war raging around them. Generations ago, when the war was slow and the two countries were on good terms, Mell's family was able to go down and visit the royal family of Dunlarish, Pent's capital city. If Mell could just see the city's beautiful lights, even above the water, one of her lifelong wishes would be completed. Part of her hoped that Ryn could take her, but she knew that would never happen. As she thought about it, Mell figured that Kast and Ryn had both grown up in Dunlarish. She envied them, but Mell learned that she would have to get over it. At least she got to see Pent's beautiful land cities, even though they weren't as lavish as their cities under the waves. 

When Mell looked down, she amazed at what she saw. Large fish, even a few small sharks, lived under the glass surface. In the middle of the harbor, Mell could see where the reef was. It looked like a large wall, covered in sand and thick batches of reef life. Living coral moved slowly from spot to spot as small and large fish encircled them, searching for prey. One either side of the reef, where dips and valleys sat in swirls of bright color. To the southern side of the harbor, where glass met land, where rock walls. Dark spots along the wall's edges looked like tunnels. A few times, as they walked atop of the glass, Mell could see bright blue lights as submarines went to and fro in the large man-made tunnels, wide enough for two of the largest subs to travel side by side.

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