Twenty-Two · · · Mell

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Journey to Transport Harbor, Pent, Pezda

MELL SAT ACROSS FROM KAST'S UNCONSCIOUS FORM. Instead of mumbling in his sleep, he laid there quietly resting next to the ladder. His face seemed gentle to Mell as he slept as if he wasn't wrought with the struggles of taking Mell off Pezda.

Hours before, Mell felt the lurch of the submarine as it moved forward. From then on, Mell hadn't moved from her spot unless she had to go to the bathroom or if Ryn needed her to watch the wheel when he had to go to the bathroom. To Mell, it felt weird in a submarine. It was very different than a boat but in both, it felt like she was floating. In a submarine, she felt safer, not threatened by the wind when the boat catches a wave and bodies get bounced all over the floor of the boat.

As Mell watched the sleeping form of Kast, Mell crawled over to him and kissed his forehead. When his eyes started to flutter open at the touch of her kips, Mell crawled backward as if she never kissed. She leaned against the wall, pulling her knees against her chest, as she watched Kast started to moan.

His hand went quickly to his head but hissed when he put too much pressure on his wound. Kast then pushed himself up against the wall so he wouldn't be laying down anymore.

When he finally opened his eyes, though blinded by the light above him, he spotted Mell and put on a fake smile with his hand still on his head. "Fancy meeting you here," he said playfully, though Mell could see that it hurt him.

As soon as she spoke, Mell fell out of her daze and put her legs down so she could look at Kast directly. "Does it hurt?" she asked not knowing what to say.

"No silver, it hurts," he said his funny attitude gone. "Is there any tanala herb I can take to help stop the pain."

Mell pointed to the wooden bowl next to him. "There is some paste in that bowl."

To his left, Kast grabbed the bowl. He stuck two fingers into the purple paste and rubbed it along his tongue. Kast then closed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall again, letting the anti-pain medicine sink in. Mell watched his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed the pastey tanala herb.

After a few moments of silence, Mell asked, "Feeling better."

"Definitely," he said right away, snapping his head up and opening his eyes. "Are we almost there?"

Mell nodded and hid behind her legs again. Although Fanny's pants were warm she still felt cold in the airy submarine. Mell looked to Kast as she set her chin on her knees. Her eyes glanced over his forehead where her lips had touched his skin. Somehow, it made her skin crawl.

Kast followed her eyes and rubbed his forehead asking, "Do I have something here?"

"You did," Mell sighed pulling her legs down to sit criss-cross.

"How long was I out?"

"A few hours or so," Mell responded looking at anything but Kast, he caught her attention though with the snap of his fingers.

"You're acting weird," he said eyeing Mell.

"No, I'm not," she argued back.

"Yes, you are," Kast replied. "Is it something I said?"

Mell shook her head. "No, I just... I don't know what wrong with me. I've been sitting here for hours waiting for you to wake up."

Kast snorted. "Stalker much?"

Mell rolled her eyes. "No, Kast. I would just rather not be around Ryn. We had a fight and I'd rather not speak to him at the moment."

Kast smiled at her. "I know. I heard."

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