Twenty-One · · · Monta

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Governor's House and Cako Airfield, Mayno, Gazar

AWKWARD SILENCE FILLED THE ROOM, except for their wheezing breaths as it grew colder in the small safe room. Monta knew it was Solstice but it felt more like Winter. Using up very little of his energy, Monta thought of warmth and his hands started glowing but like they had in the mognog tunnels. That glowing like a flashlight ability was new and only came in dire situations like in the Payfil Mansion. Monta made a silent promise to himself to work on it later along with his other new ability: bursts of light from his hand.

Just as Monta was about to take a drink of water, the door to the safe room and sunlight shown into the dimly light room. Monta almost felt blinded and wanted to back away, but he stood up instead just as Tapalla did across the room. Jastka ran halfway down the stairs and slammed his fist on the wall.

"Wake up, kids!" he called before racing up the stairs again. "Your flight is ready!"

Monta closed his water bottle and followed Tapalla up the stairs. She didn't do as much at as smile at him before they left the safe room. Monta smiled when he heard birds chirping in the daylight and so did Tapalla. Snow barely covered the ground as the planet's bright green grass grew in every bare spot of snow. After being stuck in the safe room for what seemed like days, it felt like a relief to finally be free in Gazar's fresh air.

Standing around the safe room trap door, Monta noticed an assortment of people. The first who drew his eyes were Jastka and his soldiers in glistening constant metal armor that reminded Monta of ice. About ten of them stood in a big clump behind Jastka, their ears bright red like their hair. A few had light brown or dark blonde hair, probably due to genetic mutations, as most of them had ice blue eyes and tan skin which gave them away as being Gazaran. They stood with their hands resting in the hilt of their swords, ready for another fight if need be, though a few had black eyes and bloody scars from the fight a few nights ago.

The next to cath Monta's attention were Ray and Chaka. They stood silently, holding hands, smiling at Monta and Tapalla. When she couldn't contain it anymore, Chaka broke down in tears and ran to Tapalla, tackling her in a hug. Ray wasn't as dramatic as he solemnly walked over to Monta with his arms outstretched.

"I missed ya, man," Ray said smiling. His smile always reminded Monta of the sun.

"I missed you too," Monta replied smiling back at his best friend.

Ray then pushed his dark brown elckon fur coat into Monta's hand and said, "I raided your room back in the mansion for valuables. I saw this and I thought you might want it."

"Thanks," Monta sighed, slipping it over his arms. "I was missing it. I guess I just forgot to grab it before-"

Ray chuckled, cutting Monta off. "You don't have to explain. I know what happened. Their whole house is evidence," Ray said mentioning the Payfil Mansion.

"I know," Monta said as he buttoned up his coat. Instantly, he felt warm underneath its thick fur. He made his hands heat up as he put them in his coat pockets to make the jacket even warmer.

Behind Ray and Chaka, Chanta stood next to sister along with his two nieces. May stood behind her two daughters, a hand on each of their shoulders, with one of her arms linked with her brother. Her hair was in a small bun, letting all her beautiful features show. She wore a beautiful cream colored silk dress topped with a plushy white elckon fur coat. Monta watched her trying to smile at them, but he knew that now she somewhat despised them for putting her family, most of all her daughters, in danger.

When Monta looked at her daughters, they both smiled at him brightly and sincerely. Janna waved at Monta and Tapalla as Cass tried to get out her mother's grip so she could tackle Monta with a hug as Chaka did to Tapalla. Unable to get away, Cass huffed blowing her hair out of her face and rolling her baby blue eyes. She crossed her arms over a light blue blouse and mismatched light gray sweatpants.

Janna stood still in her mala's grip, smiling sweetly. She tucked her long, dark red hair behind her ear, though it didn't work and fell in front of her face again. Janna wore a long dark green sweatshirt that fell to her knees, that was probably her dad's, and a pair of black elckon fur leggings. She then wrapped her arms around her body, cold from the blistering wind that all of a sudden picked up making her hair blow wildly.

With all these people here, Monta half expected to see his mala and pala and most of all, his sister but they were nowhere to be seen. Monta arched his head over Ray's hoping he could see Ralli's short, red hair come out of the Payfil Mansion and stick out against the house's white walls. When Monta looked to Tapalla, he could tell that she was thinking the same thing about her face. Her face went slack when she remembered that they died. Monta would have comforted her if she still wasn't angry at him.

"Are you guys ready?" Chanta asked, stepping away from his sister.

Monta nodded his head and looked to Tapalla for confirmation, though she didn't look back at him and only smiled at Chaka instead.

"Yes," Chaka answered for them. "We, all of us are ready."

Monta watched Chaka take both of Tapalla and Ray's hands in her own making Monta feel like a fourth wheel.

"Okay then," Chanta said rubbing his hands together. "Follow me."

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