Thirteen · · · Monta

17 1 0

Mayno, Gazar/Governor's House

MONTA WAS LUCKY THAT HE WAS ABLE TO TAKE A SHOWER BEFORE THEY LEFT. He felt like all the dirt from the mognog tunnels was gone. He brushed his hand over his arm and was glad he could no longer feel grime. Monta scalp felt good too. His hair felt free and clean like it hadn't been washed in weeks. It just left nice to take a shower.

Monta still wasn't used to the scars on his face. They felt like a burden, a promise. A promise that he would have to protect Tapalla for the rest of her life. For the rest of his life. He lifted his hand to his face and dragged his fingers along the indents in his face. At least, they didn't hurt anymore, but they almost left fake like they were makeup making him look like a character from a movie. But the reality was that they were real. Monta would just have to learn to live with them.

He waited for Tapalla in Chaka's room, with the clothes that he put on at his own house still feeling fresh. Monta got mad at himself when he rifled through his bag and remembered that left his guns at his house. Whoever came there, would either find them in his room or on the kitchen counter with their barrels pointing at them as soon as they walked through the front door.

Monta jumped when the door to the bathroom opened and Tapalla stepped out. He didn't even hear the shower turn off. Her face was purple from the heat of the shower and her dark purples freckles almost made Monta swoon. He watched her blink sheepishly and turn away when her face turned red. She put her hands to her face as if that could make the color go away.

Tapalla walked out with her hair still damp. Monta knew if she stepped outside into the cold, her hair would become icicles. She seemed to know since she used the towel in her hands to squeeze all the water. Sooner or later, it was as dry as it could be and put the towel in Chaka's purple striped laundry basket. Chaka probably got it because it was purple and it reminded her of her best friend.

"Are we ready?" Tapalla asked trying to stay calm to get her redness to go away.

"I think so," Monta answered standing up. "I like how you used the word we."

Tapalla blushed again. She frowned and ordered, "Stop it."

"Stop what?" Monta asked. "Stop acting charming?"

Tapalla nodded. "Yes, please do."

Monta shook his head and stepped closer to her. "I'm sorry Tapa, but I don't think I can."

"Why not?" she asked taking a step back.

"Cause, it's in my name." Monta took another step forward.

Tapalla took another step back, bumping to Chaka's dresser. "How come?" she asked trying to stay cool. Monta could see the frustration on her face as it changed from red to orange and he could hear it in her voice when she talked.

Monta took one last step towards her, still only a few ips away. He would never dare get to close to her when she was nervous. Tapalla packed a good punch.

"You," he said. "Your name for me is Charmer, so I have to live by it. What do you think so far?"

Monta could hear Tapalla gulp before she answered, "I think you've done a great job."

She licked her lips, which attracted Monta's eyes. He wanted to kiss her like he did in the woods. They were so close. He went for it then, but he couldn't now. After their kiss in the woods, they didn't talk about it. They just kept acting like it never happened, like they were still close friends. Part of Monta wanted to talk about it now, but he also didn't want to ruin their current relationship. If he kissed her now, he could do just that.

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