Fifteen · · · Tapalla

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Governor's House, Mayno, Gazar

THE ROOM THEY HAD WALKED INTO WAS SURPRISINGLY warm when Tapalla entered. It made her skin tingle and it reminded her of Monta's touch. She wouldn't admit to herself, but Tapalla missed his warm, glowing hands and his soft smile. Part of her want him there so he could console her as she talked to May, but it was a private matter. As much as Tapalla wanted her Charmer with her, she had to admit to the fact that he couldn't always be there for her when she needed him the most.

Tapalla followed May across the large room to the fireplace and a plush white couch. She sunk into its cushions as May sat in the chair across from her.

"I won't even talk about your parents," the woman said still smiling. Her voice was soft and went well with her attractive looks.

As Tapalla studied May's features, she reminded her of her own mother, Meela. It wasn't because of looks, but personality. They were both strong, intelligent, brave women that were able to help their husbands rule a whole planet. And when their husbands needed some persuading to do something or not at all, their wives were there to do it for them. Just thinking of her mala, made a tear squeeze through Tapalla's eyelid and fall slowly down her cheek.

May waved it aside though and soothed, "I wanted to talk to you about what lies ahead, though it's not very clear."

Tapalla was always jealous of May's family gift. Since Dirken's gift was superior intelligence, when they got married May inherited the gift to see the future. It was a beautiful gift that almost everyone in Gazar envied, even though her visions weren't always concrete.

Next to May, was a table, though it was more like a nightstand with a few drawers. She opened the first drawer and pulled out a piece of paper. On it was a drawing. No, it wasn't just one drawing, it was many with many more pieces of paper underneath. Little sketches covered every single piece.

Tapalla gripped the side of the couch when she noticed they were all of her. Without her permission, May had tried to see the future of her. Tapalla wanted to be furious, but she couldn't. The woman in front of her reminded Tapalla too much of her own mother.

May handed Tapalla one of the pieces of paper. Tapalla examined it, but she wasn't able to make out the scribbles.

"What is this?" Tapalla asked handing May back the paper.

May took the paper and put it at the top of the pile. "They're not just about you," she said. "There is one about Monta, Ray, Chaka. The only reason Chaka is going with you is that I told her that you would need her in the future. I don't know where or when, but she needs to be with you at all costs. But I also need you to protect her. She is my blood and holds my old family gift at her fingertips, literally."

It was true. Tapalla thought back to the moment when she first figured out Chaka's family gift. At first, it surprised her when she almost had gotten stabbed, but that was also when Chaka first learned of her own gift too. Her family had a history of getting there family gifts developing late. Janna was twelve and didn't know what her gift was yet.

Chaka had icicles growing out of her fingers making both of her hands look like she was holding five knives. When Chaka had first grown them she was in the middle of hugging Tapalla. The only remnants of the incident were the fading pastel purple scars on Tapalla's back.

"I promise I'll protect her as much as I can," Tapalla answered. "Who are other papers for?"

"Your parents, Monta's parents, Ray and Chaka's parents, my own husband, and my daughters. I can see Cass's, but Jana's won't come to mind. I can't find her and don't know if it has to do with her not developing her gift yet, but I can see others that don't have gifts. I don't know what going on, but that's not why we're here. We're here for you," May smiled after she stopped talking about Janna, though Tapalla could tell she was worried about her.

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