Chapter Four: A Set Up

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~~~Author's Notes:
Lullabies by Yuna <3 (You can play this while reading the chapter. 😉)
Finally! A picture of the OC girl is revealed! (This is how I pictured her...)
Took me a LONG ASS while to complete this and I deeply apologize for that. Like i said on my last chapter of this story, based on college and other works that suddenly came up, it gets in the way of completing this story. BE WARNED. This is extremely long. Say anything if there's any mistakes... So hopefully you'll enjoy this chapter! Enjoy! :)
**Ganbatte-good luck/do your best

Chapter Four: A Set Up

Four giant silhouettes ran across the full moon that lite up the night sky, leaping from building to building.

When they landed on the ground, they ended up in an unknown alleyway. The other three figures followed the taller one holding a mutagen scanner. After their meeting with the human girl, they decided to patrol around the area looking for more canisters of mutagen. "It should be somewhere around this area..." Donatello said to his brothers.

However, his brothers weren't concentrating on looking for the mutagen tanks. Raphael continues to have doubts on the girl, while Michelangelo has his thoughts on the wicked costume that the little boy was wearing. Leonardo had his mind on meeting Karai soon.

"...You guys?"

Leonardo whipped his head up, facing Donnie. "Huh? Oh, sorry Donnie."

He heard Donnie sigh.

"Honestly guys, focus. I know that everything's a complete mess, but it's our fault that the mutagen ended up all around the city and we need to focus on that for now." It was odd. When did Donnie became the leader of the team?

After Donatello's statement, the others began to search around the alleyway for the canisters of mutagen. Raphael was still thinking about the girl. "...Do you think we should trust her?"

Donnie glanced at Raph. "Of course we should. She kept her word, Raph. You should be more considerate."

Raphael frowns in response and continues to look through the garbage for the mutagen. When did Donnie became the new Leo?He heard his youngest brother blabbering about the little boy's horrid costume.

"The kid's costume was pretty awesome!" Mikey exclaimed. "He's like a huge fan of us!"

Raphael smirked. "More like a fan of mine."

"Hey! He doesn't know me yet! He'll change his mind!"

After a few minutes of searching through the trash, Leo stood up and rapidly climbs on a fire escape. He wanted to see her again.

"Leo? Where are you going?" Donatello asked.

"Huh? Oh, uhm...keep looking guys. I'll go search for some more over there." He pointed over a random direction and headed on top of the building, disappearing.

Raphael grunted. How many times has he already met up with the female ninja? Honestly, Raphael occasionally questions himself why Leo was picked as leader if all he does was going to meet a stupid girl. "There he goes again."

Mikey wore a confused look on his face. "'Again'?" Raphael's response was a face-palm.

"He's ditching us again for HER."

"Awe, what man? Didn't he already met her yesterday?"

Donnie only sighed. He knew how much Leo really likes the young foot ninja. Donatello experienced being in love with a girl that he can never had. And he still is. "I guess they're meeting every night now."

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