(31) At the farewell party

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Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.

This poem is dedicated to Shanaya1213. She has requested me to write this poem.Sister I hope you enjoy this.


I remember..... I remember

My mother said "you are going for a new place today"

"Be like a good girl, do not disturb anybody listen to them"

"Why am I going there?"

"Do you want to become a good citizen in this world?

"Do you want to make a difference in this world?"

"Yes I like"

Then this is the first step in your life

I won't be wrong, if I say

I was a sleeping seed once I entered here

Every day you watered me to germinate

Once I opened my eyes to see the world

You were so happy to see me

You have added fertilizers and minerals to built my structure very strong

Day by day I grew with lots of hopes in my mind

You have taught me the differences between

Black and white, good and bad ,true and false

You never forgot to remove some weeds around me

And once a year spraying me with some insecticides, pesticides and germicides

Step by step I started to grow as a  beautiful tree

And today I am a young adult in front of you

I give shade, fruits and medicine etc

So, who did all these things to me?

Why am I so proud to stand here?

It's all because of you

Your courage, your dream more than that

Your love towards me

I am shedding some tears

because it is time to say good bye for you

Life is a cycle ,hope I'll meet you very soon

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