(07) Solemn Promise

603 66 21

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu


 Woven from my dreams

She was standing near the bridge

And looking for somebody

In the midnight

Her thoughts were disturbed by a guitarist

He came near to talk but

She left the place very soon

After two days he saw the girl in the same place

He earned some courages, then went to talk to her

"Oh!!! gosh she is beautiful 

This princess is  not happy at all

like in the fairy tales" he murmured

He asked "how long are you standing"?

"More than eight months", why?

I'am here for my love"she replied "but how"?

"It is a promise"

He started to follow, and fell in love with her

It was almost a year

Her level of cofidence was setting down

One day ,as usual she was standing

He was ready to express his love tonight

"Ushhhh there he is, i can hear the footsteps" she whishpered

Ran towards him and hugged him tightly

Guitarist hid himself with molten tears

Yes he was, he returned back

As he promised to her

A solemn promise

Montage PoetryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora