Some misunderstandings so it's time for a talk

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AN: Sorry I haven't updated this since August of 2019.. Y'know, with procrastination and all that.. But RWR is back! Enjoy the chapter. ^^ (WARNING CONTAINS BLOOD, JUST A HEADS UP)

It was a usual morning, as Oliver woke up and got ready for work. 

"Another day.." He went to the kitchen, where his wife greeted him with his morning coffee. 

"Good morning honey, how did you sleep last night?" She handed him the drink with a smile.

Oliver sipped his coffee, before adding some more sugar to it. "I slept fine." He replied, as he sipped it again, which was now to his liking. 

Julie sighed, as she leaned on the doorway. "Did you hear? There was another kidnapping in town recently.." Oliver nodded, setting his cup down. "Yeah.. I heard.. Who was it this time?" "It was another child again.. Rachel Lanskey.." "David's daughter? Shoot.." 

She sighed again, with a look of sorrow. "I know.. He's pretty distraught right now.. It's been the sixth kidnapping this week.." 

Oliver grabbed his work case, and kissed his wife goodbye. "I'll see you later honey. Let me know if they catch that kidnapper." He left the house, shutting the door behind him. 

Julie placed the coffee cup in the sink, with the same look on her face. There were many reports of kidnapping that week, each victim being a child around 5-7 years old. Reports like this were usually upsetting to her, and she would do the best she could to help out the families that were distraught and upset. 

She looked at the TV, which read about the last report. 


Gumball stepped outside, since there wasn't a whole lot to do inside.  Noticing his arrival, some children surrounded him in a mini circle. "Hi Gumball!"

Even though most of the questions they had were answered a day ago, the children would often come when they saw him. They were quite fascinated about him really, considering he was a real life cartoon character.

The highlight for the children's day however was when Gumball told them stories about his adventures in his hometown, which were always exciting for them. 

"Can we play tag?" One child asked, bouncing up and down. The rest of the children nodded with agreement. 

At the door of the house, Julie watched, a smile seen on her face. She often enjoyed this time of the day when the children came. They were always so funny and adorable.

"I'll be the it person!" One little girl declared. The children began running around, and tagged each other with delight, while also making sure not to go out on the street. Because of course they knew not to do that.

Gumball watched, as some ran in circles, which was pretty hilarious. Soon, a child ran up and touched his arm. "You're it!" They shouted, the other children soon running around again. He began to chase after the child, even though he was technically too old for this. But he didn't really care. 

One little girl,  who had no idea that she wasn't tagged yet, ran towards a figure, what she assumed was another child. She touched the person quickly, with a smile. "Tag! You're it!"

The person chuckled at her behavior, and led her away from the others. Noticing this, Gumball stopped, which confused the other kids. "Is something wrong?" A child questioned. He looked at Julie, who was still at the door, looking just as worried as him. "Uh.. I'll be right back.."

Gumball quickly ran to where the figure was, since he was aware of the kidnappings that were going on. And there was one right in front of him. The person turned around, alarmed to see him there, as he took the young girl and fled. Gumball chased after them, not exactly realizing he was sort of melting during this, since he was more focused on saving the girl. The figure did however, and ran a little faster.

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