Messy situations

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It had been a while since the government men had shown up to the house. At first it seemed as if things were back to somewhat normal, peaceful even, but it felt like they were still there somehow. Watching. Listening.

This unnerved Marcie, who felt the weird presence, but she tried to shrug it off, trying not to be so paranoid about the situation. She was still fairly cautious, as were Gumball and Darwin, unknowing of when something could happen again. 

Little did she know, the men already knew what was inside.


It was a fairly regular Saturday morning, sun risen up for the day. 

Marcie entered the kitchen, humming to herself as she prepared breakfast. However, as she opened cupboards and the fridge, she noticed some things missing. She sighed, closing them, and made her way back to her bedroom. "Time to go head to the store I see.."

She got dressed and returned to the room, writing a list down in a notepad. It was understandable for things to be missing, with technically having two kids in the house with fairly regular diets. "Okay.. So milk.. Bread.."

"...Um.. Marcie?"

Marcie paused, turning her head to the source of the voice, being from above. Gumball was there on the ceiling, melting as goop stuck to the surfaces around him. It looked as if bubble gum exploded up there. "..Gumball why are you stuck to the ceiling?"

The cat tried to pull himself off, the goop slightly stretching, but he was yanked back into place. He sighed, wishing he could pinch the bridge of his nose at this moment. "No idea. I just woke up here."

"Alright, I'll get a ladder." Marcie left to the garage, the grocery list abandoned on the table.

"So.. You're stuck?" Darwin appeared from the doorway, looking up at the sight with a curious, yet worried expression.

Gumball nodded, rather annoyed as he tried to pull himself away once more, to no results. He soon noticed Marcie return with a step stool, sighing internally to himself.

"This was the best I could find." She said, placing it onto the floor. Climbing up, she grabbed the feline by the hands, doing her best to yank him off, but the goop didn't budge. She tried a couple more times. "Geez this is like superglue! I can't get you off."

"Here let me help!" Darwin came over, to which Marcie helped him up into her arms. He took Gumball's hands now, as Marcie held him and pulled with her strength. The goop only snapped back, sending the goldfish and human girl flying onto the floor. Darwin rubbed painfully at his cheek. "How does something like this even happen?"

"I don't know, toon logic? Melting thing logic? Am I gonna be stuck up here all day?" Gumball was about to cross his arms, but remembered he couldn't, souring his mood.

"You won't, we'll figure something out. It's just going to take something else." Marcie stood up, thinking to herself some solutions. "What's going to make it come off without hurting you? Technically this stuff is sort of your.. Fur."

"Maybe we could get somebody?" Darwin suggested, slightly shrugging.

"Who? We're one of the only two existing cartoon characters here, how is anyone else going to know how to get me down?" The cat frowned.

"I'll call Amy." Marcie went over to the phone, and dialed her friend's number. The two boys waited, Gumball feeling as if hours were going by before she'd come back. Moments later, she stepped back into the kitchen, letting out a sigh. "My friend will be here soon, so.. Hang on, okay?"

The cat looked at her with annoyance, as she let out a chuckle. "Sorry, I was just trying to lighten up the sticky situation."

"Hardy har har, how funny." He muttered bitterly, feeling agitated that he could only use his face to express his current mood right now. Admittedly he also grew rather upset by her use of puns. That was his thing!

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