A mystery but is he real?

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Julie Williams, a kind hearted woman that loves her family dearly, along with most things around her. Of course there were people she didn't approve of, but she never hated any person in her life. 

When Marcie told her what happened, she was pretty upset that her son did this. But she knew one of these days, Jordan was eventually going to get the consequences again. She still remembered what had happened between him and the family two years ago, which she remembered him running off to California to escape his problems. Her husband was pretty ticked off by Jordan's decision, but he knew it might of been for the best.

As she walked down the hospital's hallway, she quietly reminisced about these memories. Along side her was Gumball, who was quietly walking as well. Julie never thought this would happen to her, since she always thought imaginary things could never exist. But today, changed that thought. If she were six or seven, she probably would of been excited to see a walking, talking, real cartoon character with her right now.

She opened the exit door, which led to the parking lot. Her husband patiently waited in the car, tapping his fingers on the dashboard. The car was pretty average, being medium and painted a tan color. Julie opened the passenger door and sat in the front, while Gumball sat in the back quietly. 

"Are we all set?" Oliver asked. Julie nodded, and Oliver drove out of the lot. The whole way, it was quiet, and nobody said a word. Oliver stopped the car in front of the station, and stepped out. 

"Oliver what are you doing?" Julie questioned, as she looked at the area. "I'm just going to have a little talk with Jordan, and I'll check on Marcie's place. Can you drive home okay?" "Yes, but honey?" Oliver stopped, and turned to her. "Be careful. Jordan might not like you visiting him." Julie said, concerned by what might happen. "Julie I'll be fine. Just drive home, okay?" 

Julie sighed, and moved to the drivers seat, then turned the car on. "How long are you going to be gone?" "Not for a while." He answered, entering the building. Julie then drove off.


As soon as he stepped inside, OIiver noticed his son sitting in one of the cells, with an angry expression on his face. 

"Hello Jordan." Jordan looked at him with a glare. "What do you  want?" "I heard about what happened." Oliver replied, with a stern tone of voice. Jordan rolled his eyes, knowing he would eventually hear about it. "Now tell me Jordan. Why did you think it was okay to beat the crap out of Marcie like that?" 

Jordan stood up from the prison bench he was sitting on, and walked to the cell bars, with a ticked off expression still on his face. "You know why." 

"No. I don't. I want to hear your explanation Jordan. I heard hers, now I'm hearing yours." Jordan stood back a few steps, and continued to glare at him. "She had that thing at her house, and she didn't even freaking bother telling me on the phone." He continued to glare, and didn't smile in the slightest. "It may look all cute and cuddly, but it's not. Did you even SEE what that damn thing turned into?! It was trying to freaking kill me!" 

Oliver sighed, while shaking his head in disappointment. "Yes, I saw already. And from what I heard from your sister, he was trying to keep you from killing her." 

Jordan muttered something under his breath, that Oliver couldn't make out. "What did you say?" He questioned. Jordan glared once again. "I wasn't trying to kill her. I was teaching her a lesson." "WHAT KIND OF LESSON?!" 

"Anyone or anything she cares for can kill her. Even if she thinks they won't." Oliver blinked, still pretty pissed. "That's your lesson? All that for that stupid sentence?"

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